Spring ✿ Part 3

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"Have you seen Toothless around?"

Hiccup sticks his head under the bed. His left eye still purple and lip still swollen from his last encounter with Jorgenson.

"Nope.", Jack answers from behind a book, eyes glued to the paper.

"He hasn't been back in a while... His bowl is still full. I wonder what he's gotten himself into"

"He'll be back. He always does."

Hiccup stares at Jack, lying on the bed, reading. An unusual sight.

He reads that book they got from the library, on the day Hiccup introduced Jack to Elsa. Hiccup never thought he would actually see Jack reading a book in his life. Well, there's always a first.

- ✿ -

Claus North is everyone's favorite teacher. That much she'd been told. What Moana didn't expect, though, is that the guy would look so much like Santa.

"Excuse me, Mr North", she approaches his desk at the end of Social Studies class.

"Yes, my dear?"

"I just transferred a week ago, and I was wondering if I could have a little more time to deliver my paper..."

"Of, course! Don't worry your pretty little head over it. Just be a good student and I'm sure you'll pass my class with flying colors."

The way he spoke was really reassuring, but even so, she felt like she was falling behind.

"Oh, I have an idea!", he says after looking at her troubled face "Miss Arendelle, dear, would you come here, please?"

The girl, who was almost at the door, turns back, a little worried.

"Anything wrong, Mr North?"

"Would you mind giving a helping hand to our new classmate, here?"

"Sure!", she turns to Moana with the most friendly smile.

"Thanks. My name is Moana."


"Great!", Mr North says "Miss Arendelle is an excellent student, I'm sure she can help you with your paper, Miss Motunui."

With that, they were both off to lunch.

"Thanks for agreeing to help me", Moana says as they walk down the hallways.

"Don't mention it. Mr North's class is an easy one, you'll catch up quickly."

Moana smiles.

"So, where did you transfer from?", Anna asks.


"Really? Oh, I bet you miss sunshine, huh?", Anna gives her a sad smile.

"What's up the that, right? Here we are, in the middle of spring, and all I see are grey clouds!"

They both laugh.

"That's Marble Hills for you, always rainy.", Anna says.

"Oh, that's my roommate over there", Moana points to Rapunzel, who's walking towards the cafeteria carrying a mess of books and notes on her arms. She bumps into another student and everything falls to the ground. The girl she bumped into apologizes and rushes to another direction.

"We should probably help her", Anna states.

They reach the spot where Rapunzel is crouching and picking her things from the floor.

"Hi, there", Moana says.

"Roommie, hi!", she sounds relieved someone was there to help. "I see you made friends already!"

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