I Could Really Use A Wish Right Now**A Teacher/Student Love story**{2}

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I woke to the sound of my mobile ringing. I groaned and extended my hand to get the phone, I opened a eye and looked at the time, 12.30 o'clock in the morning, I jumped up and immediately regretted doing so, my head had already started paining, Oh! God! I hated headaches!!

The mobile was still ringing, without checking the ID I took the call.

"Hallo?"I asked in a cracked voice. I shoudn't have cried so much last night.

"Misty, [author: I am so sorry if you don't like the name but it was the first name that popped into my mind when i

was writting the story] I am back," Sam shouted in my ear.

"Gee, don't shout, you're going to make me deaf," I laughed, she was my best friend and only friend so far.

"Whatever, will you come over now? so i can tell you about my trip to my uncle's? it was awesome"

"Okay, I will be there in half an hour"

"Sounds good, 'kay, bye, see you later"

"See ya"

I shut my mobile off before going off to take a quick shower. I prayed to God for the headache to go away, but it didn't, Ugh.

After the shower, I put on the first pair of items I got in the closet. My closets were kinda messy 'cause I never really cared enough to keep them in the right form and it's not like anybody would notice.

I ran downstairs and took a quick breakfast before brushing off my teeth and tying up my hair in a messy ponytail, I did these all in record time and finally drove off to her house.

I rang the doorbell and waited.

Sam's mom opened the door, "Hallo, Misty" she smile and hugged me. I always liked Sam, infact I liked her whole family, it was so much better than mine.

"Hi" I hugged her back.

She released me and asked "Are you going to stay for the lunch"

"Sure" I answered before walking off to Sam's room.

I was almost tackled on the ground just as I entered the room, but somehow I kept myself balanced.

"I have missed you so much, Misty"

"I missed you too" I tried to push her away, she was so heavy.

The next two hours were a blur, she kept on babbling about her trip and I tried to listen but soon my headache got the best of me and I gave off, nodding at points to make her think that I was listening.

I tried to eat the food that her mom so kindly prepared for me but I couldn't, 'cause of that stupid headache, it spoiled my day, my last day of vaccation. Ugh, ugh, ugh, I hate headaches.

So, I took an early goodbye and returned back home.

I parked the car inside the garage and ran off to the front door, I put the key inside the lock only to find out that it was already unlocked. Did I forget to lock it?

I was puzzled, But I-?

"Hallo" I head a male voice, my head snapped up. In front of me, stood what I would call a man. He had brown hair that were messed up and light green piercing eyes. He looked around 19-21.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, impolitely, looks like it was my unlucky day.

"Uh.." He looked confused, "My name is Daniel Harris"

Okay so this is the Daniel my mom told me about last night. I almost forgot.

"Okay, Mr. Daniel Harris get out of the house, NOW" I pointed my hand at the front door.

"I think not" He smiled and walked upstairs with his suitcases.

I Could Really Use A Wish Right Now**A Teacher/Student Love story**Where stories live. Discover now