Chapter 1

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Jensen sighed as he looked out of his window as he laid on his bed in his bedroom. It was a hot day in Texas but he was enjoying the cool AC from his room. He was waiting for his dad to come back from work. He was still living at home with his parents at the age of twenty. Why move out? For one, he was going to work in the family business. His dad was a CEO, owned his own company, and Jensen was going to be joining when he turned twenty one, which wasn't that long away. He was pissed when his dad refused to let him work when he was eighteen. Telling him that he should go to college, and Jensen did.. for two semesters before dropping out. School bored him. It wasn't that he was bad at school. Jensen got good grades, he was smart. He just didn't like it. He could learn more from his dad then in any boring classroom so why bother going. His thoughts were interrupted hearing a knock on his bedroom door before it slowly opened.

"Jensen, your father is home and is downstairs with your mother. They both wish to speak to you." Maria, one of the housekeepers or as Jensen liked to call her, one of the maids, or just the 'help' told him. "Thanks." Jensen mumbled, quickly getting out of bed and walking past her without another word. He made his way down the staircase and went into the living room. He saw his parents sitting on the couch talking quietly. They both looked up to him as he entered the room. His mom, Samantha, looked nervously at him. His dad Jeff, poker face like always. It was always down to business with him. Not that he was a bad parent, but he always seemed so serious to Jensen.

"Son, take a seat." Jensen rolled his eyes and plopped down on the chair in front of the couch facing them. Straight to business. "So, why the family meeting? What was so important that I had to stay home on a Friday night and wait for you to get back?" Jensen asked looking over at his dad, crossing his arms. Jeff sighed. "Well son we wanted to talk to you about your future with the business." Jeff told him and Jensen perked up. "Awesome! When do I get to start?" Jensen asked as he sat up in his seat. "Well sweetie, that's the thing..." Samantha said looking at him nervously and then over at Jeff. "What are you talking about?" Jensen asked confused. "Well son, you're not going to be starting. You're not going to work for the company."

Jensen shot up to his feet, his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. "What do you mean I won't be working for the company?!" He yelled. "You said i could start at twenty one! My birthday is almost here! You can't do this to me!" He yelled glaring at his dad. "Yes son we can. I don't think you're ready to be working yet." Jeff told him trying to stay calm. "How the hell would you know? I've never had a job so you can't know what it would be like!" Jensen said turning and started to pace. "Not with the way you're acting now. Not with all the trouble you've gotten into. You've been caught sneaking out of the house, drinking, and caught driving while under the influence and you're not even twenty one yet." Jeff told him. "You're lucky that no one has been hurt because of how reckless you've been." Jeff told him. "Well no one is hurt are they?.." Jensen asked. Besides a few minor injuries to himself, and a banged up car, or two of his dads, no other person had been hurt.

"Besides that has nothing to do with how I would work." Jensen tried to argue. "No son. It's final. You won't be allowed to work or be getting any help from either one of us until you clean up your act." Jeff told him. "That's so not fair!" Jensen exclaimed. "Honey your father is right. You need to do better, we've raised you better than this. You know better." Samantha told him softly. "You don't know shit! You promised! You said I was going to.." "Jensen! That's enough!" Jeff said raising his voice as he stood up. "You've lost all of your privileges. I don't care how old you are. As long as you live in my house you'll be living under my rules. No more going out, drinking, driving any of my cars. And I am putting a hold on all your credit cards." Jensen glared at him. "What the fuck? You can't do that to me!" He yelled. "It's already been done." Jeff told them. "Now until you can prove to your mother and I that you've straightened out, you'll be doing some volunteering." Jensen groaned. All that meant was work without pay. "Doing what? Cleaning trash on the side of the road? Helping at an elderly home?" He asked. "You'll see when you get there. I've pulled a lot of strings to make this happen Jensen. This is your first and last chance to make things right. Do not, I repeat, do not mess this up." His dad warned him. Jensen groaned loudly and turned, stomping back up to his room. He didn't deserve this. His parents were assholes and he shouldn't be treated like this. He was not looking forward to this at all.

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