This whole situation was messed up; I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

                Stepping away from the mirror, I resolved to take a quick shower and throwing on a random pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my ipod from my desk before I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my mom had already laid out a plate of eggs and bacon.

                “Thanks,” I told her before practically inhaling my breakfast. Mmm… this bacon is literally perfection.

                “No problem. Have fun at school and call me if anything comes up, ‘kay?” she said, her eyes brimming with worry. She already knew that I would sometimes hallucinate or hear the voices during school, and she had nearly decided to homeschool me several times.

                I wasn’t going to let that happen. I actually preferred staying in school, even though it was a crappy public one. I didn’t want myself feeling even more isolated than I do now.

                I gave her a nod. “I will,” I replied before whisking off to grab my bag and slip on some shoes.  “Bye!” I yelled, hearing a muffled response before I stepped out the door.

                I automatically put my earbuds in as soon as I left the driveway. It was only a ten minute walk to school, and I had left a bit early to ensure that I would be able to talk to Nick and Ollie.

                I needed to find out what happened, I felt as if I couldn’t go another second without filling the holes in my memory.

                When I had reached school grounds, I immediately started looking for them. I would text them to meet me, but sadly I only had Dakota’s number.

                After yesterday, I definitely wasn’t ready to talk to him yet. I wasn’t even completely positive it was a hallucination, it seemed too real. But I knew deep down, it had to be a hallucination. My mind trying to humiliate me once more, and it had succeeded.

                I walked blankly through the parking lot and through the school’s main doors, scanning the halls. With music continuing to blast, I hadn’t realized that someone was walking next to me before it was too late.

                “Hey,” someone said as they pulled an earbud out.

                I let out a surprised gasp, turning to see Dakota keeping pace with me. Suddenly, I was incredibly nervous.

                “H-hi Dakota,” I stammered out, unsure of what to do. Obviously I couldn’t avoid him now, it would be clear to him something was up. And until I was able to grab hold of Nick or Ollie to talk, I didn’t want to jeopardize anything I had with Dakota. You know, assuming we had something.

                Dakota quirked a brow. “Is something wrong? You seem off today.” I looked at him for a second, and he appeared completely normal – like his usual self. So it must’ve been a hallucination yesterday, I don’t think anyone could freak like that and be so nonchalant

                I shook my head, fiddling with my earbud. “No, I’m fine. I’m just uh, late for homeroom,” I replied hastily. “I have to go to my locker, see ya!” I steered myself down a side hall, the complete opposite way of where my locker was.

                “Wait! Casey! Homeroom doesn’t start for another twenty minutes!” That was the last thing I heard from Dakota before I placed my earbud back in.

Music & Monsters [Camp NaNo July]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ