3- Promises

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The drop brought my heart to my throat and as the water grew closer, I clenched my eyes shut and prepared for pain. But all I felt was the cool water as the river engulfed me and I plunged deep into its clear waters.

    I swam in the direction I believed to be upwards, clawing at the water around me until I finally broke the surface and sucked in a gasp of air. A splash sounded close to me and I turned towards it, awaiting the sound of Porter and Tessa gasping for air.

    It came only a moment later, Porter's arm wrapped tightly around Tessa's waist as she struggled to tread water. She had only swam a few times in her life before and her inexperience was evident by the fear written on her face.

    "Over there" I pointed to the cover of mossy rocks that tilted inwards, creating a sort of semicave, the most amount of cover we would hope to get. I started kicking and swimming towards it as Porter and Tessa followed suit. As soon as my hand hit the rocky surface I was pulling myself up. Next I was helping Tessa up as Porter joined us on land.

    As soon as he gained his balance he was barreling towards Tessa and I and shoving us into the protection of the rocks as, to my disdain, a flaming arrow whizzed by before becoming consumed by the river.

    "They won't stop" Porter spoke, dread filling his voice. "Not until they've caught us. We can't hide and we can't run."

    "No" I corrected him calmly. "You can't run."

    Porter whipped his head towards me, confusion clear on his face. "What-"

    "We can't outrun them, at least not all of us. We make too large of a target. But if I go out there alone and chase them away it will leave a clear shot for you and Tessa to reach the harbor."

    Porter's face turned white. "Wren, you can't honestly expect me to-"

"I do" I snapped. "Because you are my best friend and the best chance for keeping my sister safe and if anyone should know about making sacrifices it should be you."   

    He shook his head. "Let me go instead. I'll distract-"

    "No. If you are caught they will put you to death. They don't bother giving non-Gifted males a trial. At least if I'm caught it won't be an immediate death. Besides-" I forced a grin for his and Tessa's sake. "I'm faster than you."

    Porter stepped forward, agony written on his face. "Wren" he whispered. Just my name. Just the promise that it held.

    I placed my hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at me. "You are my best friend, Porter Collins" I whispered, memorizing those comforting brown eyes one last time. "And I trust no one else to take care of my sister. Keep her safe. Get to the harbor and wait no longer than midnight tonight. If I'm not there by then, I'm not coming. Be smart. Remain stealthy. I am trusting you with the only thing I have left. Please keep her safe."

    He swallowed hard but nodded. "I promise Wren Heatherfield, I will protect your sister with my life. I will keep her safe" he managed to rasp out.

    I gave him a nod and a small smile before turning towards Tessa and wrapping her tightly into my arms.

    "I love you, little bird" I whispered into her ear, tears freely falling down my face now. "Listen to Porter and do whatever he tells you to do. I'll be back soon but until then stay strong. Don't stop dreaming and don't stop fighting. Not even when both of those things seem impossible. Tessa, promise me you will never stop fighting."

    "Never" she breathed into my ear, clutching me just as tightly. "I'll never stop fighting. You'll find us again though, right?"

    "Always" I pulled away to look into her eyes, so wide and scared yet still loving. Still hopeful. "I will always find you, wherever you go. Promise me that you will never stop fighting and I promise you that I will never stop looking for you."

The Art of Courts and Lies (Book 1 in The Gifted Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora