Chapter 21

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"They forced me to take her, then had me put up a cloaking spell so we can't be tracked. Now, Lucien's taking us out of town, someplace I don't know where. But there's a loophole," Vincent spoke. He had recorded a video of himself explaining what was going on.

"Just how am I the loophole?" Finn asked.

"Last year, when Esther first brought us back, I got put into the body of a gormless twit, but you got housed in one of the most powerful witch bodies in the city. Vincent's," Kol explained. "And even after all this time, there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between you two."

Elijah hit 'play' on the video, "Davina, that's where you come into play. I need a powerful witch that's off the ancestor's radar." Vincent slid a knife through his hand, cutting open his palm. "I want you to find the thread between me and Finn."

"Have you ever done anything like this?" I asked Davina.

"I don't even know if it's possible," she admitted. "But I do have Vincent's blood. If I can take Finn's blood and do the spell right, I should be able to track Vincent down."

"I should have sensed something was wrong when Freya didn't call," Finn remarked. "Now Lucien has a head start. Go, witch. Tend to your spells. I won't rest until she's found."

"Behold, the selfless martyr. First, he wants to rip Davina's head off for trapping him in his body, now he can't wait to be spelled," Kol exclaimed.

"Finn, you and I shall go together. Ellie, you and Kol stay here with Davina," Elijah announced and I nodded.

"You're going with him?" Kol argued. "So the two people responsible for not destroying the white oak when they had the chance, thus putting us in this bloody mess, and they're off to try and fix it. That's just marvelous. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Kol, look at me. I don't know this magic. I need your help," Davina told him, pulling him out of the room. Elijah picked up a glass and the letter opener, holding it out to Finn.

"Let us begin," Elijah stated.

"Do not give me orders, brother. And make no mistake, I do not look to you as an ally or even family. The only reason I tolerate your presence is the hope of finding Freya," Finn revealed, taking the letter opener.

"Well, aren't you a joy?" I muttered sarcastically.


"They should keep heading northeast," Davina remarked, looking down at the map in front of her.

"What? Northeast? They've been driving northeast for an hour, love. We need to get a tad more specific before they hit the Atlantic Ocean," Kol informed her.

"The soul-blood connection is not as strong as a locator spell," Davina retorted. "The most I can narrow it down to is Virginia. Northern Virginia?"

"Wait, what did you just say?" I piped up, standing from my seat and moving over to where they stood.

"Northern Virginia?" She repeated.

"You're bloody joking," Kol commented, looking from her to me. "We were born in Northern Virginia. There's a one-horse town there now called Mystic Falls. We were turned into vampires there."

"That's also where you and I both died," I added.

"That's too much of a coincidence. Can you please be a little more precise?"

"No. I need to boost the signal somehow. Maybe some black cohosh."

"Black cohosh won't do it!" Kol yelled and I jumped, surprised by his anger. "Sorry. I've got a better idea. A Blood Rider. A Tibetan singing bowl I had cast into a dark object in the 1800s. It's like an echo chamber. But with Finn's blood, we can amplify the connection he has with Vincent. But, like everything of mine, Klaus' therapist has it now. I guess I'll just have to pry it out of her hands."

"Hey! Cami is my friend. Now if you can't play nice, you're gonna sit here and I'll go get it," Davina informed him.

"Okay, I'll behave." Davina nodded, leaving the room. I stared at Kol's retreating back as he left. There was something wrong with him.


"Don't leave me in here! Don't leave me alone!" Finn yelled as Elijah and Freya brought him into the compound.

"Hey, hey. You're not alone, Finn," I heard Freya tell him as I came down the steps. They laid him on the couch, holding him down. "Why is he talking like this?"

"It's hallucinations about betrayal," Elijah informed her. "It's his nightmare."

"What happened to him?" I asked, seeing a bandaged wound on his neck.

"Lucien bit him."

"Well, he looks awful," Kol commented, walking into the room and laying on the couch opposite us. "Werewolf bite? That's got to hurt, mate. So Lucien's a bloody hybrid now."

"We don't know what he is," Elijah corrected. "His venom seems to work twice as fast."

"That's good. Maybe it'll work through his system twice as fast," Freya suggested.

"Or it's twice as lethal. Now if Niklaus doesn't get here in time, he might die, with a bit of luck," Kol commented.

Freya moved over to him, slapping him across the face, "what is wrong with you?"

"Behave yourselves! Both of you," Elijah cut in.

"Siblings squabbling. How familiar," Nik stated, coming into the room. "Although the teams seem to have changed. Someone care to tell me why?"

"Our brother needs us." Nik moved over to the couch Finn was on, biting into his wrist and offering it up to his eldest brother.

"Thank you, brother," Finn mumbled, his hallucinations stopping.

"How are you feeling?" Freya asked him.

"I feel strangely euphoric."

"I've been known to have that effect," Nik stated, his gaze moving over to me. I felt my face heat up as he winked.

Kol started clapping, looking down at Finn, "what a precious family moment. Pardon me while I go and gouge out my eyes with a hot poker."

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'?" I asked him.

"I thank even you, Kol," Finn spoke. "Your little witch actually came through. Today, I saw a glimpse of your coveted 'always and forever'. And –," Finn cut off, leaning over the side of the couch as he puked up blood. "What's happening?"

"What's wrong with him?" Elijah questioned.

"His body, it's dying," Freya announced as Finn began wheezing.

"No, no. It's not possible. I cured him!"

"It's gonna be all right, brother," Freya reassured Finn. "We'll fix this, you'll see." She turned to look at Elijah, "get my pendant."

"It won't work!" Kol exclaimed. "Davina fused his soul to this body."

"We've got to try. There's no other side, no ancestral well if he dies."

"No. Get your bloody girlfriend back her to undo what she's done. Finn, you will drink from the source until Freya can move you," Nik ordered.

"No," Finn whispered. "Don't leave me alone." Freya wrapped her hands around one of his, Elijah grabbing onto the other.

"Brother, we're here," Elijah reassured him. Nik placed a hand on Finn's chest, Kol placing one on his leg. With tears filling my eyes, I moved away from the siblings, letting them have their family moment. Freya began to cry, Finn's body going limp as he turned gray.

Even though I didn't like Finn, I cried a lot when he died. It was a very sad scene. 

Things are coming to an end for this book, only 3 chapters left!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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