Chapter 10

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"It's done. I'm de-linked from those children, the covens are most grateful and we even beat the rain," Rebekah announced, walking into the room with Marcel.

"I trust Davina will play her part?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah. Against my better judgment," Marcel chimed in.

"Stop being so overprotective," Rebekah told him. "If Davina's made regent to all nine covens, she'll be granted the power to resurrect Kol and political clout to untie the witches to our cause."

"Don't pop the champagne just yet. Dahlia said she'd come for the baby and now a storm springs up out of nowhere. You really think that's a coincidence?"

"Regardless of her power, she needs to be dealt with. Fortunately, we have a weapon," Elijah announced, his eyes on Freya, who had stopped muttering her incantation.

"Look, no offense, but are we really gonna put all our eggs into one still-kind-of-mysterious basket?"

"I assure you, I am quite motivated to aid in Dahlia's defeat. Particularly now that Elijah has forced me to be the bait."

"And if we should fail, Davina and the witches will take up the task. At the very least, distracting Dahlia long enough for Hope and Hayley to disappear," Elijah reported.

"Rebekah, could you be a dear and shut that window? It's getting cold in here," I asked, leaning my head back against the chair and wrapping my arms tighter around myself. She nodded, going over to the window.

"Elijah," she called, gesturing him over.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting up in my seat. Marcel and Rebekah left the room, coming back a minute later.

"Nik's gone." Elijah's eyes turned to me.

"What? I didn't do it!" I defended.

"You didn't remove that dagger from his chest?"

"No! I mean, sure, I thought about it, but I didn't do it. I swear!"


"Did you find him?" I asked Elijah and Rebekah as the entered the compound.

"No. Until Niklaus is found, Marcel and his men will scour the city," Elijah reported.

"Assuming Nik doesn't slaughter them. You know as well as I do, he'll be on the warpath," Rebekah commented as we made our way to the staircase. "Which raises the question, how in the hell is he even awake?"

"It was Dahlia," Freya called out, walking into the room. "This was all part of her plan. No doubt she killed Aiden, hoping that the blame would fall on Klaus. The family would divide and she could win Klaus to her cause."

"That is absurd. Nik would never align with Dahlia," I declared.

"You continue to defend him."

"He'd kill anyone who'd try to take his daughter."

"Isn't Hayley trying to take his daughter?"

"Their daughter," Elijah corrected. "Let's not forget that Dahlia is the true enemy here."

"How good then that I finished my spell. The ingredients in the paint of his artwork, combined with my blood will render Dahlia vulnerable. The moment she passes between these paintings, she will be mortal. You can kill her with this." Freya pulled a knife from her pocket, holding it out to Elijah.

"Father's knife."

"I thought it appropriate."


Pacing in front of the couch, I watched as Rebekah finished getting everything set up for the spell. "Ellie, please. Stop with the pacing," Elijah commented, glancing over his shoulder at me.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous," I confessed, taking a seat on the couch. "What can I do to help?"


"Oh, come on, Elijah. I need to do something. I can't just sit here while you're all doing the dirty work."

Elijah moved over to where I sat, crouching down in front of me, "I saw the way Josephine looked at you. If my suspicions are right, you need to stay out of harm's way, out of sight. I don't want you getting hurt if this turns into a fight."

I let out a sigh, "fine." As Elijah stood, he pressed a kiss to my forehead before moving over to where Rebekah was memorizing the spell. Standing from my seat, I left the room, going out into the hall. I could see Freya in the courtyard, preparing for what was coming. The bells of the church began to chime, echoing through the streets. I quickly ducked into the nearest room as Freya bent to pick up the statue. Pacing back and forth in front of the door, I debated on whether or not I should go out there to help. Elijah had told me to stay hidden, but the anticipation was killing me. Before I could decide, I heard a scream. Something was wrong. I quickly opened the door, going out into the courtyard. Gia stood on the other side, her body on fire as she screamed.

"You seem vexed, brother," a familiar voice spoke and I looked up to see that Nik had Elijah trapped against the railing on the second floor. "Wait until you see what I've got in store for Hayley." Elijah quickly pushed Nik away, grabbing him by the shoulder and throwing them both down the stairs. "Is that a hint of the fabled beast behind the red door? Come on, brother. Let him out to play." Elijah lunged at him, but Nik was able to wrap an arm around Elijah's shoulders.

"No!" I cried, seeing Papa Tunde's blade in Nik's hand. I stepped forward to stop him, but he had already plunged it into Elijah's chest. Nik let go, Elijah's body dropping to the floor as the blade sunk into his chest. I turned my eyes back to Nik, who was slowly moving towards me. "Nik, don't," I pleaded, taking a step back with each one he took forward. "Please, don't do this. I don't want to hurt you." Tears filled my eyes as he continued to move forward.

"You couldn't hurt me if you tried," he growled, lunging towards me. I quickly lifted a hand and he dropped to the floor, crying out in pain. He glared up at me, trying to get to his feet, but I increased the pain, using my magic to throw him flat on his back.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks as I watched him writhe in pain.

"I think that's quite enough from you," I heard a voice say. A blinding pain shot through my head and down into my body as I dropped to all fours, letting out a scream. I struggled to breathe as the pain increased. Lifting my head, I saw that Nik had gotten to his feet and was staring down at me, watching Dahlia torture me. Another scream slipped past my lips, my arms shaking as I struggled to hold myself up. Something seemed to flicker in Nik's eyes; sadness, regret, guilt. Before I could figure out what it was, it was gone, his eyes seemingly empty again.

"Stop," he called out to Dahlia. "I'll deal with this one." The pain stopped, my arms finally giving out. I barely had time to catch my breath before I was being pulled to my feet, Nik standing in front of me.

"Nik, please. I know you. You don't want to hurt me." He ignored my pleas, raising a hand to my cheek. I let out a gasp as he pulled my head to the side to expose my neck, biting into it. Nik finally pulled away, allowing my body to drop to the floor as I struggled to keep my eyes open. A strange haze took over my brain and I knew I couldn't fight it anymore. I slowly let my eyes shut, swallowing myself in darkness.

Le gasp! Nik hurt Ellie! How dare he?!

There was another hint as to what Ellie's secret could be. Did anyone catch it? ;)

My classes are almost over, I have about a week left. BUT in that week, I have an extensive paper to write and a 500-word short essay on what I learned in one of my classes this quarter that I need to get done. So, lots to do! 

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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