Chapter 20

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"What are you guys doing?" I asked, coming down the stairs. They had set up a table with a world map and candles on it.

"We're going to use a spell to locate Nik's enemies," Kol replied, holding a paper over the flame of a candle. I came to a stop next to Nik, who wrapped an arm around me. "Mixing the ashes of these letters with your blood, Nik, will show is where your enemies are." Kol grabbed a handful of the ashes, mixing them with the gauntlet of blood. He handed the gauntlet to Freya, who poured a drop onto the map. As she sat down, Kol pulled a paper from his pocket, unfolding it and handing it to Freya. Chanting the incantation, the blood began to separate, tiny drops moving to different parts of the world and showing the locations of Nik's enemies.

"Behold your greatest hits, Klaus," Freya commented. "All over the world. But only one is here. Which means the legion of enemies you were worried about is an army of one." Nik's phone began to vibrate from inside his pocket.

"Go," I told him, seeing the message. He nodded, pressing his lips to the top of my head before leaving.


"So, if he kills an enemy, does the dot disappear?" I asked Freya, staring down at the map.

"I don't know I would think so," she shrugged. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched the map.

"Freya." She lifted her head to look at me and I pointed down at the map. The blood dots were moving, all heading towards one place.

"It never stops. Never."


"So, this might only be a fraction of your potential enemies," Elijah commented as we all watched the blood move.

"In hindsight, could've been nicer to people. Or at least, left fewer survivors," Kol hinted, chuckling.

"We don't know all their motivations. Half of these people could want to put the bullet in your heart, end the sire war with the pull of a trigger," Nik asserted.

"I have an army devoted to keeping me alive. The only people that care to protect you are standing in this very room. As you well know, Niklaus, there is another way," Elijah suggested.

"I know that look. You're going to run, aren't you?" I asked, looking up at Nik.

"There was a time when the name Klaus Mikaelson was little more than a rumor. A shadowy figure who cast fear into the very bones of any who heard whisper of him. I don't run. I disappear. And tonight, the four of you are going to make that possible." Nik lifted a burlap sack off the ground, holding it up.

"Please tell me there isn't a severed head in there," I stated.


"I so wish I could go with you," I commented, sitting on the bed and watching Nik pack a bag. "If I weren't so close to my due date, I would, but I really shouldn't be traveling."

"I know, kitten. And as much as I would love to have you come along, I couldn't ask you to do that. I remember how much running from my father stressed you out. That was just one person and you weren't carrying our child. I can't put you through the stress again."

"I hate this. First, Rebekah, now you. Who's next? Elijah? Freya? If you all run, I'm going to have no one left."

"Hopefully, no one else will have to run." Zipping up his duffel bag, Nik moved over to where I sat, standing in front of me. He pressed his lips to the top of my head before tilting my head back to press his lips to mine. "Come on, we should go." He helped me stand, leading me out of the room and down into the courtyard. "Is it done?"

"Yes," Freya replied, standing from her seat. "And now any witch who does a locator spell will believe you're right here in New Orleans."

"You know, for all of his mischief, Kol truly is a master of his craft," Elijah stated.

"Yes, well, drawing trouble is his forte. You'll thank him for me?" Nik asked, looking at his older brother.

"Don't stop driving until you are absolutely certain you are safe."

"You don't have to remind me how precious my cargo is." Nik took a step closer to Freya, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Keep him in line, would you, sister?" Pressing one last kiss to my head, he grabbed his bag, leaving the compound. 

Someone is always leaving! I don't like that Rebekah left so much, she's one of my favorite characters.

I've posted an update on Book 6 on my Twitter, so head over there to check it out!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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