Chapter 7

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Feeling a chill in the air, I pulled my sweater tighter around my body, continuing up the stairs. Getting to the top, I was about to turn the other direction when something caught my attention. It looked like a body. I slowly went over, seeing that it was, in fact, a body. It was the guard that was stationed outside Hope's room. My eyes widened as I saw the blood on his face. Moving closer, I could see the door was open and someone was inside, standing by the crib. "Rebekah?" I whispered, not wanting to wake Hope. Rebekah's eyes were focused on Hope, but something was wrong. There was a darkness in them, a hunger. Her eyes snapped up to mine as I stepped closer. "Step away from the child," I demanded and she complied, a smirk making its way onto her face. I threw my hands up as she lifted hers, but I wasn't quick enough. My back and head connected with the stone pillar in the hallway before I fell to the ground. There was a commotion in Hope's room and I slowly turned my head to see Nik barging in. He fell to the ground, clutching his head. I attempted to push myself up, but my arms were too weak and my head felt like lead. I slumped back down to the floor, feeling tired as the commotion in the room died down. All was quiet, my eyes starting to shut.


"I should stop packing these away. There's always one family member or another in need of a good shackling. Find Rebekah, or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was," Nik ordered, handing the shackles to Marcel. "Use these to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister."

"I won't be the only one looking for her. She killed witch kids. The twenty-four hour hold that Elijah got the covens to agree to ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her," Marcel informed.

"Go to Elijah. Get him to charm his elderly witch into calling off the hunt," Nik told Hayley.

"And leave Hope? Don't you think I should stay and protect our daughter?"

"Jackson has been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with his werewolf army, not to mention the fact that I'm here. And Ellie's here," he countered, gesturing over to the couch I currently resided on. "And I know the best way to protect our child is to get Rebekah out of that serial killer's body and back into the original model."

"Hm. And what will you be doing while we're doing all the dirty work?"

"Why, attending to the even dirtier work. As usual." Marcel and Hayley left, leaving Nik and me alone. "How are you feeling, kitten?" Nik asked, turning to look at me.

"Better. Thank you for the blood."

"That was a nasty head wound you sustained," he commented, moving closer as I stood. He brushed some hair off my shoulder and when he pulled his hand away, his fingertips were coated in blood.

"I supposed I should go wash up, get this blood out of my hair," I observed, watching him suck the blood off his fingers. "Are you enjoying that?" I chuckled.

"I am. You still taste as sweet as ever," he smirked and I shook my head slightly. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, I turned to walk away, but Nik wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. "That's not a real kiss."

"Get Rebekah back in her body, then you'll get a real kiss," I teased, walking away.


"Great. So, Eva is still in the wind, only now she has a sidekick," Hayley reported, pacing with Hope in her arms.

"The charming Vincent Griffith," Elijah acknowledged.

"It gets worse," Marcel started.

"How could it possibly get worse?" I asked, somewhat rhetorically.

"If Eva has Davina, then she has eight of the witches she needs to finish the ritual. She just needs one more."

"Which is why she went after Hope," I concluded.

"If she comes after Hope, Rebekah or no Rebekah, I will put her down for good," Hayley declared, her eyes hard.

"Fortify this house. When they do come, kill him. Capture her," Elijah proclaimed.


"I will not abandon my sister. Gather what wolves you have. With Vincent by her side, she will strike with considerable force."


"Lay her inside the salt and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand," Freya advised as I finished lighting the candles. Marcel set Eva's body down. "I will act as a bridge into her mind, but I'm trusting you to anchor me, brother."

"Do what you need to do."

"Why am I here again?" I questioned, sliding the lighter into my pocket.

"You're here to help. This spell requires an enormous amount of power and an anchor. Elijah will act as my anchor, but even then, I still don't have enough power. Which is why you're here," Freya explained.

"So you can channel my power."

"Yes. Rebekah's buried deep. Eva will not give her up without a fight."

"Then she gets a fight," Marcel declared.

"Be careful. You're entering Eva's mind. If she kills you in there, you will be lost. And if you kill her before you free Rebekah, then Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then and only then can Eva be dealt with."

"We got it," Vincent nodded, laying down.

"You'll need a weapon." Freya pulled a knife from her boot.

"How am I supposed to take that with me?" Freya grabbed onto it with both hands, muttering an incantation.

"This is going to hurt," she informed, plunging the knife into his arm. Elijah grabbed onto my arm, hold his other hand out to Freya. She nodded, closing her eyes. I did the same, muttering the incantation she had me memorize. The ground started shaking, wind howling around us. My grip on Elijah and Freya's arms tightened as I struggled to hold on, the spell threatening to pull us apart. I could feel her pulling at my magic, using it to keep Marcel and Vincent under. I wanted so badly to pull away, but I knew this was the only way to save Rebekah. "I'm losing them," I heard Freya yell over the wind. Elijah's grip on me disappeared and I opened my eyes, seeing Nik standing between us.

"We're not finished, you and I. But for right now, save my sister," Nik stated, looking over at Freya, who nodded. He grabbed onto my arm, holding it tight as Freya and I resumed our chanting. The ground shook harder, then it was all over. The four of us broke away from each other as Marcel and Vincent gasped. "Did it work?" Nik asked, eyes on his sister.

"Where am I?" A voice echoed. Marcel was gone in an instant, checking on the kids.

"They're okay," he called out. Feeling something wet on my lips, I reached a hand up to touch it. Seeing red on my fingertips, I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve.

"Why isn't she waking?" Nik demanded as Elijah moved closer to Eva's body. All of a sudden, she gasped, sitting up and looking around.

"Bloody hell."


"I may not have been an anchor, but I know you saw into my mind," I stated, walking up next to Freya.

"I did."

"There's not much in my head that needs to be kept secret. Except for one thing. You saw it, didn't you?"

"Yes. And if you're worried I'll tell Klaus, don't be. It's not my secret to tell." I turned my head to look at her, nodding slightly.

Here's a long chapter to lead you guys into the weekend! Hope you enjoy! (Both the chapter and the weekend.)

Ellie has a secret! But what could it possibly be?! Let me know in the comments what you think it could be!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2018.

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