As the day proceeded my mother had to leave to go look at the corpse of the man killed the night before. They wanted to confirm what type of animal it could have been, so she left leaving me with Patrick. We sat in the living room, quietly, I had blankets tucked around me and a warm tea in my hands. I stared out the window watching the rain come down, it was definitely my favorite kind of day. The group chat had blown up a bit earlier in the day, my friends begging to know if I was alright. I made sure to send them a quick message saying I was all good and spending the day inside. I had also recieved a text from Ben, it was a quick and insensitive message of, 'In meetings all day. If you need anything call Celeste,' then a number I assume was hers under it. "Olive?" My brothers voice pulled me out of the zoned out state I had put myself into. I hummed a response turning to look at him,  he was sat in the chair across the room.

"I'm glad your okay and everything, but you don't need to stay here. You can go check on Ben?" He said slowly, rubbing the back of his name. I cringed feeling almost unwanted by him. Of course he is going to get busy, but I just figured he'd care a bit more.

"No its alright," I answered looking back toward the rain.

"Olive," His voice forced me to look back. His face was stern and serious, not a face I was used to seeing. "Don't be a scaredy-cat like I was," He pushed. This instantly peaked my interest,

"What happened Pat?" I asked turned my curled body toward him. Becoming thoroughly interested in the conversation. He bit at his lip, his cheeks going rosey and a nervous look taking over his eyes.

"Remember that guy dad hired?" he asked avoiding eye contact. I instantly raised my brow, a smirk pulling to my lips.

"Austin right?" I returned, pulling from my memory. He nodded,

"I was gonna finally ask him out last night," he started, huffing a embarrassed breath. "We worked together alone, and so I decided, 'fuck it I'm gonna ask!" He explained putting more emotion in his words. "And I totally started it well! Asking if he had gone to any good food places. You know the usual stuff," He paused groaning.

"And?" I pressed, extremely interested in the completion of the story.

"Well I," he paused again huffing out a breath. "I said 'Well i was wondering if you wanted to go out?'" He said. I frowned, not understanding what went wrong.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked frowning deeper. He groaned louder rubbing his face aggressively.

"Well when he looked at me, he looked so surprised! So I panicked, and in my panic I continued the sentence with 'with my sister?" The utter pain written in Patricks eyes was clear. However, I honestly couldn't help the horribly insensitive laughter the escape my lips.

"Well I was wondering if you want go out with my sister?!" I laughed out, a small embarrassed smile pulled to his lips.

"Shut up!" he groaned as I whipped my tears away.

"What did he do?" I questioned slowly containing my chuckles.

"He was extremely confused and said 'I'm pretty sure my cousin has some sort of crush on her, but thanks for the offer?' It was so awkward!" Patrick finished, I couldn't help but laugh more. That was until I realized exactly what he said.

"Jordan?" I questioned, but he shrugged,

"I got no idea they all look so much alike," he answered. I instantly nodded in agreement, but also sighed in contentment.

It went quiet between us again, the sound of the rain hitting filling the room, creating a comfortable setting. "But seriously Olive," Pat started, I looked back at his gentle face. "Go talk to him, I can tell its driving you crazy," He pushed. I sighed while nodding knowing he was right, "Just bring an umbrella and text me when you get there alright?" He said smiling gently. I returned his look, while standing and nodding. Looking down at my outfit I had switched to thick track pants and a over sized sweater. My hair was thrown roughly up into a messy pony tail and I had a freshly washed face.

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