Chapter 5

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I pressed myself forward, feeling my legs ache with stress and my lungs burn. I couldn't look behind me, it would only slow me down. However, even without looking behind me I could hear it chasing me, hunting me. I could here the crackling of the ground as it hustled behind me, and it kept getting loud, signalling that it was getting closer. I looked up from my feet and came in eye contact with the red eyes I didn't realize I had been desperate to see. However, this caused me to trip and drop like a ton of bricks. I cringed and groaned, I tried to stand but quickly dropped again, feeling a agonizing pain shoot through my ankle. I peered up finding the eyes staring at me, but my attention was quickly turned to the loud howl that sounded close by in the trees. I felt tears making their way down my face, as I desperately grabbed at the forest floor, dragging myself across it. "Help me!" I shouted toward the eyes, hoping with everything in me that they would listen. But they didn't move an inch , I grew impatient, "Please! Whoever you are, show some humanity and help me!" I screamed getting frustrated, mainly caused by my intense fear. My stomach dropped hearing a low cackle behind me. I turned my head, feeling myself shaking with fear, and my fears were answered seeing a large black wolf. His fur was long and reflecting like oil, his eyes were large and blue, anger filled yet had a humorous glow.

"You really think that thing will show mercy?" It spoke, I had no clue how I possibly understood a wolf. However, I was to stricken with fear to truly process it. He laughed again before taking one last step and ran toward me, opening it mouth wide showing it large sharp teeth. I tensed in fear and it was just about to clap down on my neck.

I pushed myself up on my bed hearing my phone buzz, looking around my room feeling my heart pumping quickly and hard, and my breathe caught in my chest. I raised my hand checking my throat, feeling moisture however it was quick for me to realize it had come from my eyes. Sighing I relaxed a tad I grabbed my phone and shut off my alarm, trying hard to calm my heart down. Feeling my bodies muscles calm down and intense I forced myself up from my bed and toward the bathroom.

After completely my normal routines and changing into my work uniform. I trudged down the stairs still not able to shake the fearful feeling that my dream had left me with. "Morning," I said with lack of any real emotion, my father was quick to respond, yet didn't look up from the paper.

"Morning Olive," His voice sounded strained and filled with concern. It seemed Pat noticed as well because he peered up from his phone with a brow raised. My mother had already left for work by now, but if she were here, we would have all been staring. He didn't notice however, until he folded his paper and made eye contact. "What?" He question raising his brow. We both just continued to staring, knowing he'd figure it out. He signed rolling his eyes, "I don't want you guys concerned or anything," he started, we didn't flinch. "Fine, well there was a wolf attack near the bike trail," he eased in. Both Patrick and I gave each other looks, "I mean it was just deer," he added. It was visible seeing both Patrick and I's relax.

"Jeez dad start with that next time," Pat hissed turning back to his phone. I rolled my eyes and glanced to the clock.

"Alright well I gotta get going," I said grabbing a banana from the middle of the table.

"You sure you're gonna be okay tonight?" Patrick asked looks up again, I shrugged but couldn't help the shiver of fear that trailed down my spine, remembering the dream.

"Why wouldn't she?" My father piped in before I could say anything.

"Yeah, Seriously I'm fine," I insisted, not exactly confident in my own words, he eyed me suspiciously but dropped it going back to his phone. My father seemed confused looking back and forth between the two of us. I smiled and took the chance to leave before being questioned any further.

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