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I walk into the dorms to see everyone going crazy and being extremely loud. I'm now wondering if I should have listened to my mom and not have come to live in the dorms. I make my way up the starts to my dorm floor so I can start on some homework. As I close my door and put down my backpack my phone makes a ping noise. I take my phone out of my pocket and see that it was my mother who texted me. I open the text and read it. 

'Hey Honey! I was wondering if you could come home and watch a movie with me since it is the weekend and I am getting kind of lonely without you... but its perfectly fine if you are busy.'

I feel a pang of guilt for leaving my mother all alone so how could I say no so this? And besides I can do my homework tomorrow since its the weekend. 

'Of course mom! I'll be right over.' I type back. 

I quickly take off my uniform and change into some pale shorts and a green hoodie. I grab my phone and my dorm key and start to head downstairs. Of course everyone is still going crazy so no one really noticed that I left the dorms.  

I walk on the sidewalk looking around at my surroundings. People started to rush home to their families and the sun started to set. I look at the sky and let the colors sink in. 'It's so beautiful' I think. All of a sudden my thoughts were interrupted by a scream. My walk turns into a run as I speed towards the scream. Once I get to the ally where I heard the scream from I see a woman on the floor while a man towers above her. I use my One For All 5% and run to punch the guy. He falls down rubbing his cheek murmuring "What the hell?". I Quickly grab the lady in my arms and rush her out of the ally. I turn around to see the man running after me trying to attack me. I through another punch at him but before that he touches my arm and a blue glow comes out before he passes out. My chest starts to hurt and my head becomes dizzy but I suck it up and as I turn around to make sure that the lady was alright. I call the cops and they soon arrive to take the man away. The lady thanks me for helping her and I just respond my saying its my job to help. 

Soon after everything was cleared I start to make my way home. But the more I walked the more my chest start to hurt and my headache increases. I finally made it to the apartment and knock on the door. My mother quickly opened the door and rushed to hug me. I hug her back and hear her mumble.

"I..*Sniff* Missed you Izu!"

"Heh I missed you to mom!" I say. 

For the rest of the night my headaches and chest still continue to hurt but I try to suck it up the best I could. We watch a movie in the living room and my mom asked if I could stay over. I say yes seeing how much she missed me. After the movie and dinner we both brush our teeth and get to bed. I walk into my old room which is just a bed now and jump on it sighing. The headache started to go away but my chest still ached. I thought about seeing Recovery Girl tomorrow but soon I just fell asleep.


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