Q & A With the Characters

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Q & A With the Characters

Hello! Welcome to the Q & A session! What are your names again?

Trinity: Excuse me? What even is this?

Nate: Who the hell are you?

*laughs* I'm the author, and this is the end-of-the-book question and answer session!

Trinity: Uh huh. You're an author?

Not just an author. The author. Of this book. But that's besides the point.

Nate: What-

I ask the questions. So, Trinity is it? Can I call ya Trin?

Trinity: I mean sure...?

And Nate, correct?

Nate: *evil stare*

*clears throat* yes well then. I understand that only you, Nate, call Trin by her full name? Care to explain?

Nate: I - well, I'm not sure actually. Honestly. But if I did, I wouldn't be sharing it with some creepy "author".

Well, thank you anyway. And Trinity? Did you ever have feelings for.... *flipping through clipboard* Tucker Gregory?

Trinity: I - I guess I did, when, you know, he wasn't going all psychopath on me.

Yes, well, one more question for the both of you. How is college life going? Do you miss high school, when you were together?

Nate: that's two ques-

Shhhhh. It's Kay. Answer.

Trinity: well, college is fun. Hard, but fun.

Nate: I guess it's alright. I mean, with friends and all...

Trinity: I don't miss high school. At all. I mean it was nice having Nate around, and I wish he wasn't across the country, but no.

Nate: ditto.

Well, that's all the time we've got. Thank you Nate, Trin, and thank you readers out there.

Nate: what?


Author's Note:

As I've changed parts of the story since I've matured and seen the bad plot holes, I think I will leave this part of the story unchanged. The dorkiness of it all just seems fitting ~

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