The Visit

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The Visit

Trinity's POV

I was propped up in my hospital bed, one leg swinging over the side. A female nurse typed a few things into a computer before handing me my stack of clothes - sweatpants and a tshirt. I smiled and thanked her, turning through the halls to find the bathroom, where I quickly changed. I tried not to let last night's events enter my mind, thinking I might pass out again.

I went down the elevator to the lobby area and was met by my mother's embrace.

"Oh, dear lord, I was so worried..." she said, stroking my hair. I hugged her tight, telling her I really was alright, she didn't have to worry.

We walked out of the hospital, my mom's arms around my shoulders like if she let go, she'd lose me. I was surprised to see Nate leaning against the wall outside. He smirked at me when he saw.

"Took you long enough." he said, twirling something between his fingers. A cork.

"That yours, then?" I asked him, pulling my own from my pocket. He nodded.

"I was thinking, maybe, we could make these little guys into necklaces. Fill the void." he said. I laughed.

"Sentimental much?"

"Nah. It was for your sake."

I smiled. "Your parents coming to pick you up?"

He scowled, turning the cork in his fingers. "No. I - well, if it wasn't a problem, I was hoping you could drop me off at home."

"Oh that's not a problem, dear." my mom said. "Come on, then. We should go."

My mom, Nate and I climbed into our car. Nate sat in the back alone - the drive was quiet. Awkward, really. My mom tried to make small talk once. It lasted for about thirty seconds.

Nate showed us to his house - it was huge. Two story, painted dark brown with white accents in swirly, elegant style bordering. He opened his door and hopped out, thanking my mom. I got out too.

"What are you doing?"

"Walking you up, duh."

"I'm not ten years old, Trinity." he said.

"Well, you walked me up. Therefore, I get to walk you up."

He sighed as we walked to the huge, wooden door. It had a large, golden ring hanging in the middle that he picked up and knocked with. A tall man with graying blonde hair and hazel eyes stared down at me in surprise.

"Nate?!" he said, his eyes widening. "Where were you? You never said you were going out we - well, we didn't..."

"You didn't even know I was gone, did you?" Nate asked bitterly. I inconspicuously grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. From what I'd gathered, he wasn't the friendliest with his parents. I hoped my hand squeeze gave the message for him not ot loose his head.

Nate's father shook his head. "I'm sorry, son, we just-"

"You just never bother to think about me or Cassidy. I hope you didn't forget her, too. Without me to care for her, she could have gone unfed last night. Oh, and should I mention my match's bottle-" he gestured to me. "This is my match, by the way. Trinity. Lucky to have her. But that's besides the point. Her bottle was destroyed, causing mine to shatter, so I was in the hospital all night. Don't know if you noticed the burn marks on our necks - oh wait. You don't notice anything I do."

His dad stood there, a baffled look on his face. Nate's neck was red. I squeezed his hand harder.

No one said anything for a long time. Finally, Mr. Williams surprised us both. He stepped outside and enveloped Nate in a hug. I let go of his hand and took a step back. Nate didn't return the gesture - his face was shocked.

"I'm so sorry." Mr. Williams sobbed into Nate's shoulder. Nate scowled.

"You think sorry is going to make up for seven years of being ignored? Or the fact that when I'm in the hospital, the only people that came to visit me were people I didn't even know?"

Mr. Williams pulled away from his son, gripping his shoulders. "No. No, I don't think that at all. And I don't expect you to forgive me - forgive us-"

"Good, as I wasn't planning on it."

"But I hope we can start again."

Nate stared at him. I held my breath.

"Fine." he mumbled. Mr. Williams smiled.

"Why don't you two come in?" he said, gesturing to me. I looked back at my waiting car.

"I- hold that thought." I said and ran to the car. My mom rolled down the window.

"Trinity?" she said.

"Can I stay here for a while? I'll call you... I just, after everything I thought maybe I could talk to Nate."

She sighed. "I just got you back, and you want to leave again?"

I laughed. "It's fine mom. Please?"

"Yes, yes. Don't be too long, please."

"Alright. Love you mom!"

"And pick up your phone for real, this time! With people trying to kill my baby girl..." She yelled out the window. I held up the phone for her to see.

"I've got it, mom!"

I ran back to the door and made my way inside with Nate. The house was even grander on the inside. A twisting staircase led up to Nate's room, which Nate led me to after my introductions to his parents and siblings. Cassidy was the sweetest thing I had ever met.

"So you're the girl Nate talks about?" she said. I blushed. Nate was in the kitchen grabbing a snack, so Cassidy and I sat on the couch talking.

"He talked about me?" I asked. Her eyes widened, before she scooted close and started explaining.

"Oh, ya! He goes on and on about your hair, and your eyes, and how he wished you would be nice to him, and I always tell him if you're nice you someone, they're nice back."

I grinned and waved to her as Nate came back with a bag of lays and some sodas. He shut the door to his room - I took it in.

A large bed was plastered in one corner, the sheets ruffled, the pillows strewn. The walls was white, and the room was hardly decoraated. I poked into the bathroom and traced a finger over my burn.

"It looks horrible, doesn't it?" I asked him. He walked in behind me, examining his own.

"Nah. Kind of nice."

I scoffed. "Yeah right. Big, ugly burns around your neck are nice. What will the people at school think?"

"They'll think whatever, and we won't care." he said simply, turning me around and pushing the hair from my neck. My back was pressed up against the bathroom countertop - I looked down and pretended to be interested in my feet. Nate lifted my chin with a finger.

"Trinity Harpers, I love you." he said. "Burns and all."

My heart fluttered as he pulled his lips to mine. I laced my hands behind him, holding his shoulders and standing on my tip toes. I kissed him back, letting myself loose, pressing my body to his in an attempt tp get closer. His hands slid across my back, his fingers cold against the skin on my neck and lower back.

And in this moment, I knew for certain. I knew that this idiot, this tall, blonde Dork with a capital 'D' was my match. And I knew I was wrong for ever doubting him.

"I love you too, Nate Williams. I love you more than I ever realized, and I will not stop loving you for anything in the world." I whispered in his ear, like if I said it aloud, he wouldn't hear. Or wouldn't believe me. And then, without so much as a notice from either of us, two chains reappeared on each of our necks with our corks hanging from a silver ring.

Destined to be.

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