The Rain

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Author's Note

Wooooops sorry guys I messed up I said it was the weekend and suddenly it wasn't. Sorry! XD so it's Monday now
Authors note from the future (after editing) : jeez younger self get your life together rookie mistake god

The Rain

Trinity's POV

It was pouring. Like, heavy duty rain on the window of our math classroom. I stared at the clouds that hung low and dark over the school.

I turned my attention to the bored faces in the room. I started playing a game called which of these people have I not noticed in a while?

Wendy - she and I hadn't talked since seventh grade. To be honest, she didn't even look that much different. I moved on.

Taylor - she was nice. I think, at least. I had only talked to her once at the start of the year, and she had just gushed about Nate. So I stopped talking to her.

Tucker - wait, when did that happen? His hair was brown, a little long and fuzzy. His eyes, from where I was seated, I could tell were a dark brown to match. He was only hardly taller than me, freckled, tan... and he was staring at me! oh god, he caught me staring!

I quickly averted my gaze, staring at my paper. I covered my face with my hands because the blush creeping around I could feel. Oh god, oh god, oh-

"Trinity! What do you think?"

I snapped my head up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tucker laughing. Damn.

"Pardon?" I said. My teacher pointed at the problem on the board. I struggled for an agonizing minute before I spouted the right answer and ducked my head back under my hands. My hair fell in curtains to shield me from the world.

I thought about how speechless Nate was when he saw me. I wasn't grateful or something stupid like that - smug was a better word. Like, "Ya. That geeky girl you've never paid attention to can actually be a hot babe." sort of smug.

I peeked out at the classroom to see Tucker still looking at me. I gave a hesitant smile. He returned it with a lopsided grin. I blushed and looked back down.

And to think that I was so close to getting him as my match.

Instead, I got the tall blonde and idiotic.


At the end of the day, I was packing up my things at my locker when someone called my name. I was ready to turn around and smack Dorky McDorkson, but was instead greeted by Tucker, who was giving me the same goofy grin.

"Hey, Trinity."

"Tucker! Please, call me Trin. Trinity is just -"

"Too long, yeah. I get that too - you can call me Tuck."

I smiled at him, no doubt looking like an idiot. "So, what did you need?"

"I was hoping maybe we could get together after school at, like, Starbucks or something... or wherever, I just think people tend to like Starbucks so -"

I laughed, frowning inside. "I wish I could, honestly. But, I can't today. I will walk out with you, though!" I said in a feeble attempt at keeping that smile on his face. He nodded

"That'll suffice. You owe me an afternoon, though."

Tuck laughed and I shouldered my bag, locking my locker and walking side by side with him. We turned through multiple halls, talking and laughing until we reached the front door. It wasn't raining - at least right now. The sky was dark and threatening still.

Tucker looked around for a moment before looking at me.

"Come over here a sec, would you?"

He led me off to the left, behind a couple trees. I was taken aback when he grabbed my hands and turned to look dead at me.

"Trinity," I wanted to correct him, but now didn't seem to be the time. I didn't know whether or not to be scared or flattered.

"I - ok, this is going to be really stupid and inappropriate considering your match and - just hear me out. We haven't even talked in so long, but I've really been crushing on you. You're so beautiful and funny and - God why is this so difficult?" He laughed and smiled at me. I blushed, completely speechless.

He leaned down and kissed my gently on the cheek. "Promise me an afternoon, yeah?"

I made a noise in the back of my throat, some type of squeak before clearing my throat. "Yeah, o-of course. "

"Great!" He grinned, letting go of me and running to catch up with a friend of his.

I stood there, rain sliding down my face, drowning me in all my clustered thoughts. The way my heart was fluttering made me want to scream and kick the nearest tree. So I did. And then I got mad at myself for being mad, so I cried and makeup washed down my cheeks. I cursed and kicked the mud, splattering the stuff onto my jeans.

Why, why, why?

I walked away from the trees, onto the concrete, not caring about the stares. Angry bubbled inside of me, my fists clenched at my sides. This stupid world - these stupid bottles - why, why, why!

To top it all off, my heart plummeted when a voice called out to me.

"Trinity - Trinity I swear if you ignore me again..." Nate grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. But this time he wasn't speechless because of how good I looked. I built up all my anger, storing it behind this dam, letting it swell and grow, folding all my angry thoughts and emotions into one big wave that broke through the wall and was released on Nate.

"I know - I see it on your face, I look so horrible... the last person I wanted to see right now was you. You've always been the last person I wanted to see! I've always despised you - why did this cruel, stupid, stupid world make me your match? We aren't even compatible, hardly. We each hate each other? God..." I trailed off, starting to cry. Nate stared blankly. "And then my stupid, idiotic heart has to go and mess everything up - why?" I asked him, crying even more now. My anger fizzled out, replaced by regret. "I'm sorry. I don't know how long my bottle it going to last."

I left him standing there as I stomped my way through growing puddles to the car. My mom didn't bother asking why I looked so horendous, or why I was crying. She knew better then to talk to me when I was in this state.

I could see Tucker from my window. He had seen and heard my rant. He saw me looking, and gave a smile. It just made my heart ache more.

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