"calm the fuck down, we've got hours," gerard said with a roll of his eyes, flicking pete's forehead on his way into the house.

"it's gotta be perfect for our boys though," melanie cut in, carefully maneuvering her way through the door with two cakes balanced between her arms. halsey, just ahead of her, nodded her agreement.

it wasn't long before everyone was gathered inside, sat in a circle on the living room floor so they could plan their set up. pete sat at the head on a fragile looking rocking chair, and everyone's eyes were on him (even ryden's, for once they weren't making out). he had been elected leader since everyone else deemed he knew patrick the best, and his first decision as their leader had been to elect mikey as
co-leader, which meant he was now sat on the floor right next to his boyfriend.

"the first order of business," pete began, "is decoration. gee? frank? hals? you've got everything?"

"right here," frank said, holding up a couple of bags, all of which were overflowing with streamers and balloons and you get it they were decorations i'm not giving you the whole fucking list.

"alright, mikey can you take a couple people and start setting those up?"

"sure thing boss," he laughed, getting up and leading a few people out to get started in the entrance.

"next order of business is food," he declared, looking at the remaining group. "bren, d'you wanna help me move patty's table out here?"

"yeah, let's go," the dark haired said excitedly, jumping up and running off out of the room with pete not far behind him, shaking his head. it didn't take the two long, they only had to move it in from the next room over, and before the group knew it it was completely set up with (mostly unhealthy) snacks and mel's cakes at each end. brendon had set up a bowl of animal crackers between every other item of food, making the table look pretty full.

the decoration group had mostly finished too, so the rest helped them with whatever was left and
by the time they were done it looked like a circus had thrown up all over patrick's house. they were all happy with it though, which didn't leave much else to do. frerard had set their small bag of gifts behind a couch, where patler hopefully wouldn't see them, and mikey had already designated a spot for each of them to hide before patrick and tyler came in so they could all surprise the boys.

with nothing else to do, the friends went back to their circle and idk did something to pass the time.


it had been a couple of hours and tyler and patrick were now sat on the floor on opposite sides of the coffee table, tyler between josh's legs (i'm gonna regret writing it that way) and patty leaning against the wall behind him as they played a very intense game of guess who.

"is your character a girl?" tyler asked hopefully.

"ugh, yes," patrick groaned, to which ty cheered and started flipping down most of his characters. "that's so unfair, there's only like six of them," the strawberry blond pouted.

"oh well, you're the one who picked it," tyler singsonged, flicking down his last card for that turn.

"not purposely though," patrick complained, frowning at how many people he had left compared to tyler.

"kay guys, we've only got a couple minutes before pat was supposed to go," josh interrupted them gently as he checked his phone for the time.

"no!" tyler gasped, looking between josh and his friend. "does he have to? i want him to stayy. can he stay overnight joshie? please?" he asked, turning around to look hopefully at his boyfriend.

"you'll have to ask him, babyboy," josh told him, turning his boyfriend back around.

"can y'stay patty? please?" he asked again.

"yeah," pat answered, clearly excited, but trying to hide it. "i'll have to go back to my house and get some stuff though."

"let's go then!" tyler said, smiling and pulling josh to his feet before urging them both to put shoes on and go out to the car. joshua sent them out first, grinning to himself as he texted pete before he headed out after them.

it wasn't a long drive to patrick's house, and once there josh was happy to see that it was almost impossible to tell anyone was waiting in the home. he was out of the car before either of the other two, so he opened tyler's side and watched as both boys crawled out. josh shut both doors and wrapped an arm around ty as they walked up to the door, while the brunet held onto patrick's hand (cute platonic patler is adorable honestly). the three walked up and waited for pat to unlock the door before heading in and separating to slip their shoes off.

"what're these?" patrick asked confusedly, playing with one of the streamers hanging off the wall.

instead of answering, josh led both boys to the living room, where he was happy to see the rest of the group had decorated and hidden. not for long though, because as soon as they saw patler enter the room, they all jumped out of their spots, startling the boys.

"happy patler day!"

a/n hi so this ends really awkwardly and honestly is just generally bad i'm very sorry but school's starting soon and ya boy is a little depressed over it

i'll write a second part where they actually do patler day and hopefully it'll be better, sorry for making you guys wait

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