You Deserve Better

Start from the beginning

Dinah's POV

I rubbed Camila's back, attempting to comfort her before she broke down but when she sobbed into my shoulder I knew it was best to let her be upset.

I was at my hotel when I got on twitter and saw Matthew's name trending so I decided to see why and ended up feeling my heart break for Camila when I saw pictures of him today kissing a girl that wasn't Camila. It was a girl named Elieve.

I knew there were rumors that Matthew dated her and Camila at the same time but I didn't think he'd have the audacity to cheat. Again?!

I always thought he was a dick anyway.

"Come on" I said gently to Camila, leading her over to the bed, sitting beside her after she sat down.

"I can't believe you think it's old? Maybe I should talk to him to make sure" Camila wiped her tears with her hand, going to grab her phone from her side where she sat it but Ally grabbed it first.

"I don't think that's what you need to talk about if you call" Ally gently said as we both rubbed Camila's back.

She didn't know that we already knew it was true. I had texted Matthew after I found out, basically telling him how shitty he is and he had a response.


I can't believe you'd actually fucking do this to Camila. You never deserved her. 

I locked my phone annoyed, sighing as I thought about how Camila was gonna react. God I just wish I could be there in person for her but she's probably busy. I saw that she was in NYC too but that was like 2 days ago. She's probably not here anymore.

My phone dinged to let me know I had a text. Unlocking my phone I felt myself getting more pissed than I was a second ago as I read Matthew's text.

Yeah yeah. Why are you texting me when you could be talking to your new girlfriend. Go get her since you both want each other so bad

This man....

I went to my contacts and called the first person I could think of.

"Hey" Ally answered the phone as I got up and began pacing as I talked.

"Hey did you see what Camila's shitty boyfriend did?"


"He cheated on her today" I rolled my eyes as I rested my hand on top of my head. Imagine cheating. Let alone on Camila.

"Where did you see this?" Ally asked.

"He's all over twitter. Some Paparazzi caught him and clearly Camila's gonna find out. Most likely through social media" I huffed, letting hand drop to my side.

"I can't believe he'd do this to her" I heard Ally sigh.

"You're in New York too right?" I asked as I grabbed my bag from the bed and heading towards the door since I already know the answer.

"Yeah why?"

"I'm coming over. Just text me the hotel info" I said as I closed my room door and began heading towards the elevators, pressing the down button once I got to it.

"Okay but you should know Camila's here with me"

I felt my stomach flip as Ally told me Camila is with her. Why is she there?! I didn't think I'd have to face her now! Maybe I shouldn't go-

"You still have to come. She'll need the support" Ally told me. I contemplated whether I really should or not but as I got off the elevator in the lobby I knew Ally was right.

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