Chapter 12

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I looked around, checking out our surroundings.

Ares insisted that we came out to the woods earlier, so there we were, standing between the trees. There was a small rock on the ground, which he told me to sit down on.

"Why are we here?" I asked, obviously confused.

Instead of answering my question, he took off his shirt.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" My eyes widened.

He looked over at me, his eyebrows raised.

"Are you going to turn?"

With a smirk, he nodded his head.

"And you're doing that, because..."

"What can I say?" Ares grinned. "Wolfie misses you."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

He continued undressing, so I decided to bury my face in my hands.

The sounds that I heard were pretty scary, but after a few seconds, they stopped. I took my hands away from my face, glancing at the animal in front of me.

I almost forgot how big he was.

A smile made its way to my face as I looked into his golden eyes.

Wolfie walked up to me, then he started licking my face excitedly, which made me laugh.

"Okay, okay," I pet the top of his head. "I missed you, too."

I never had a dog, but that situation reminded me of those videos I saw online, where the owners came home and their dog was jumping on them and stuff, happy they were back.

He started running in circles around me, his tail wiggling like crazy.

After he was done with that, he started licking me again.

I was fine with it, but then I became a little suspicious when he wouldn't stop licking a specific spot on my neck. What really freaked me out was after a while, he started growling.

I tried to pull away, but I was unsuccessful.

Starting to lose hope, I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the worst, but then he pulled away and ran behind a tree.

I just sat there on the rock, paralyzed, waiting for Ares to return.

When I saw him reappear from behind the tree – naked –, I looked away, staring at the ground while he dressed back up.

After he did that, he walked over to me, crouching down so we were eye to eye.

"Ares," I whispered. "What just happened?"

His eyes were full of regret, as he put his hand on my cheek in a comforting way.

"I suppose it's time to tell you about that..." He sighed.

"About what?"

I was starting to get even more scared, who knows how many things were still unknown to me.

"We should go back to the house, I'll tell you about it there."

I nodded, biting my lip. I wasn't excited for whatever he had to say.

After we made it back, I sat down in the living room, while he was standing in front of me.

"Okay," he spoke up finally. "I'm about to tell you something that I'm sure will scare you, so please don't freak out."

My mouth fell open, and I was looking at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Well, thanks for the heads up," I let out a humourless laugh.

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