Chapter 5 - An Island and A Heir

Start from the beginning

Then I felt rough scales gently press against my outstretched hand.

Opening my eyes, I looked to see the Gronckle touching my hand with her snout. I grin and give her a little scratch.

"Hey girl." I said. "How's it going?"

As expected, I didn't get an answer.

Suddenly a growl pulled me back to the present and I turned to see Toothless still in his defensive stance, staring behind me. I spin around and jumped in fright. Replacing the Gronckle and centimetres away from me was the Monstrous Nightmare's head.

It's body was alight, orange flames licking upwards into the sky. It was looking at me and growling deep in it's throat. My heart was hammering in my chest - I was terrified.

But then I realised - why was I scared? Sure, it was an unknown Monstrous Nightmare ready to kill me to protect his friends, but I had trained a Night Fury. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself! Taking a deep breath, I mirrored what I had done with the Gronckle. It took about double the time it had with the other dragon, but the heat died down and I felt the hot scales of the Monstrous Nightmare against my skin.

Opening my eyes, I saw him with his own eyes closed, grumbling deep in his throat in contentment. Suddenly the Deadly Nadder and the Hideous Zippleback were way more interested in me, sniffing me all around. Then I realised - the Nightmare was their leader and showing that he had accepted me, the others did too.

Suddenly Toothless roared and the dragons jumped back from inspecting me as Toothless came over.

"Aw, you jealous bud?"

Toothless rolled his eyes at me but I could see in his eyes that it was true. I chuckled.

"Don't worry Toothless, there's plenty of me to go around."

Toothless purred. Silly dragon. I turned towards the newbies on Dragon's Edge. They were all looking towards Toothless and I, or playing with each other in the Zippleback's case. I frowned. They seemed slightly familiar.

I looked again at the Gronckle and a memory suddenly filled my head - of leaning up against the cold hard stone wall of the arena, a Gronckle with it's mouth open and fire gathering at the back of it's throat, ready to blast me to Valhalla.

I blinked and stared, looking at the others - the Nadder that chased Astrid, making her fall on top of me, the Zippleback that I had put back in it's cage with an eel (now that I think about it both heads were looking a bit nervous of me) and the Nightmare that I hadn't seen, although I knew it was there, locked in a cage, only seperated by wood and metal.

"You guys are from Berk, aren't you?" I asked them. Of course they didn't reply, but I could tell that it was true. And they had escaped and come to me for safety from my former tribe.

I made a vow right then and there. For as long as I lived, I would save dragons from people and the Red Death Queen, especially from Berk.


(Stoick's POV)

I stood in front of the whole village, right next to the arena. Gobber stood next to me, stiff and straight. He knew the importance of this as much as everyone else here.

I had made my decision overnight. Spitelout had tried to interfere and say that Snotlout would be better, but I only had ears for Gobber's opinion.

I cleared my throat, everyone went silent and I tried not to think of my dead son.

It was time to choose my Heir.

"People of Berk!" I cried. "The time has come for me to choose my new Heir." I only just managed to choke out the words, trying not to think about why I was making this announcement in the first place. Then I shook myself and continued.

"If-if Hiccup was here, I'm sure he would approve of my choice. Chosen for their courage and skill in battle, their ideas and their ability to continually amaze us, they also was the one who tried to - tried to save my son. I give you Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson the first!"

There was an uproar immediately, people congratulating Astrid and making way for her to come up to the platform.

She came up beside me, head held high although I could see she was nervous.

I just hope I made the right choice.


(Astrid's POV)

When Stoick said my name, I was speechless for the first time in my life. Me!? Heir to Stoick the Vast and Berk!? How!?

I wouldn't say I was nervous as I went up to join my chief - I was terrified.

What if I screwed up? What if I made things worse? What if, what if?

I paused the doubts in my head. I could worry about them later. I tilted my chin upwards and walked to the front, trying not to show that I was scared. Yeah, I said it. Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson was scared.

I stood next to Stoick and looked down at the village people of Berk. I was only partly aware of people cheering my name - I was still shocked at the announcement. Who wouldn't be?

I scanned the crowd of happy vikings, before stopping on two - Spitelout and Mildew. They were whispering together, casting me hostile looks.

I'll have to keep an eye out for them.

I pushed down my worry as I looked away. Nothing was going to spoil this moment.

I just hope I can be good enough for Berk.

Chapter 5 finished! For some reason I had trouble writing this, but it's only a filler chapter. I promise you this story will get more interesting in the next part. Also, quiz time!

1) If you had a dragon from any book/movie, what species would it be and what would it's name be? (If you wanna see my answer, have a look at my profile page in the description part)

2) If you could live anywhere from any book/movie, where would it be?

3) What's your favourite part in HTF so far? (By the way, HTF stands for Hiccup & Toothless' Fate)

- astroskypilot out -

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