Chapter 5

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We were flying above the clouds afraid if we dipped to far below them we would be spotted and we couldn't afford that right now. I sighed feeling that familiar itch of being home and in fire-nation lands. It didn't sit well with me. After flying for a while we finally spotted some land and decided it was probably best to land there. 

"I think I see a cave below." Aang said. I glanced over to the side of the saddle. 

"Shh be quiet." Sokka said. Aang landed Appa on the ground near a cave and I sighed looking around. It was an outer island of the fire nation. When I step foot on the ground I sighed and glanced around. 

"Home sweet Home." Cody joked. I glanced over at him and nodded.

"Oh yeah sweet home." I muttered. Cody sighed and I just glanced down at the sand. 

"Good job with the cloud camo but next time lets be a cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut." Sokka said being stealthy. I looked at him and shook my head. 

"Yeah because we wouldn't want a bird to overhear us and turn us in." Toph said sarcastically. I chuckled. 

"Hey we are in enemy territory. They are enemies' birds!" Sokka said and then a bird stepped onto his head. I laughed and smiled. We then headed into the cave and Sokka was being super paranoid. We set up camp inside and I glanced over at Sokka who was still raving about the fire nation.

"You are paranoid." I said as I looked at the clothing I had. 

"This is enemy territory." He declared. Cody and I glanced at each other with an amused look on our faces. 

"It's our homeland." Cody and I said. Sokka just stared at us for a moment before glancing away. 

"Right." He said. We shrugged. 

"This is it. This is how we will be living until the invasion, hiding in cave after cave after cave..." He said. I groaned and shook my head. He wasn't exactly thinking things through to be completely honest. 

"You guys don't exactly have to do that. All you need is fire nation clothes and you're all set but I on the other hand might need to stay in here...." I said. Aang saw the sad look cross my face. I glanced out the mouth of the cave we were standing in towards the ocean. 

"Yeah blending in is better than hiding out. If we get fire nation disguises we would be just as safe as hiding in a cave." Aang said. Cody had already changed into a different outfit and brushed out his hair real quick. He shook it out and then stared at me. 

"Why don't you just put you hair up into a scarf. I know having black hair annoys you." He murmured. I shrugged and then nodded. I started to braid my hair and then wrapped it up into a bandana. I tucked the last bit of hair up into the bandana and smiled up at him. 

"That's good enough." Cody muttered as he walked over to me. I nodded and smiled up at him. 

"Plus they have real food out there. Who wants to stay inside and eat cave hoppers?" Toph said as she hit the wall and a whole bunch came out. I scrunched my face up as I watched them hop away. Then I watched Momo start to eat one and I stuck out my tongue.

"Ew." I muttered.

"Alright let's get some new clothes." Sokka said. We got out of the cave and I led them to this place that I knew that washes clothes. I did a double check to make sure that no one was around outside seeing if the clothes were dried enough to go back inside. I smiled at them and opened my arms out wide. 

"Alright guys go wild while Cody and I get some new clothes." I said. I then made a believable naturally looking wall using my earth bending and I started to rummage through the bag for our normal clothes. I had my royal regular clothing as well did Cody. I buttoned my collar at the bottom and sighed as I pulled at the sleeves. 

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