Chapter 3

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We had been in Ba Sing Se for a week or so and I had been learning earth bending in private by a teacher. He promised that he wouldn't let it out that I had more than fire-bending. I had also gone to a very good known physic in the city to ask why I was the way I was. I had questions that needed to be answered. She had told me it was my destiny to help the Avatar end the war and struggle in the nations. I was given the powers to assist him and once my destiny was complete I would lose my connection with water, earth, and air-bending. I would be just a plain fire-bender like Zuko. To be completely honest that sounded nice, because I for one didn't ask for the extra powers. I just wanted to be normal but being born into war meant that things weren't going to be normal. 

It was one sunny afternoon Cody and I were just sitting around in our house when I got bored. I decided we should go see the other parts of Ba Sing Se. We had only seen the upper and middle ring. Never the lower ring because they said it wasn't safe. But what's life without a little risk? And my lovely motto got me this beautiful scar. Plus I also had an inkling to go shopping again. I mean what's the point of going places without getting some souvenirs to commemorate the trip. 

"Let's go to the lower ring!" I said standing up. Cody glanced up at me from the book he was reading. He raised an eyebrow and set his book down as he sat up. He ruffled his hair with one hand. 

"Okay but why?" He asked folding the corner of the page he was on before putting it down. I shrugged and just smiled at him. 

"Shopping," I said. He sighed and came with me anyway. I was going through the vendors buying different trinkets. I was slipping more money in then was necessary but before they could say anything I had already moved onto the next stand. I was the nice one out of my family it seemed. I was the nice one, Zuko was the banished one and Azula was the insane take over the world one. I stopped outside a little tea apartment and I looked through the window. I smiled as I saw Uncle Iroh serving someone tea with a smile. So this is where they had come to after leaving the North Pole. I hadn't heard much detail about what happened up there after I left which was probably a good thing. 

"Cody look it's my uncle and Zuko." I said. Cody looked and smiled. 

"Always tea." He said. I nodded. 

"Come on," I said. I had a hat on and I pulled it up so that my blonde hair wasn't sticking out of it. We decided to play a little trick on Zuko. He wouldn't know it was me because Cody and I were both in Earth Kingdom clothes and we looked different from when we had last seen them. When we walked in Uncle served Cody and I and we stayed there until closing. I kept my head down but put the famous smirk on my face. 

"I'm sorry but we are closing you are going to have to leave." Zuko said coming over to us. I smirked. I didn't raise my eyes to him because I knew as soon as he saw the blue he would know who I was. That would ruin my little trick on him, even though he might not take it to well afterwards. 

"I don't think so, Zu-Zu." I said in Azula's voice. I mimicked her very well. I saw him tense up all over. She still had this hold over him. I don't believe that those two would ever get a long. 

"Azula!" He said. I smiled up at him and he glared down at me. I'm surprised my eyes didn't give it away.

"What do you want?" He said. Cody was trying not to laugh beside me. 

"Don't be so disappointed to see me Zu-Zu." I laughed. He grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the wall. Luckily no one else was in the tea shop. I let out a gasp with wide eyes. I held up my hands. 

"Zuko! It's me Lilly!" I choked out grabbing his wrist. He glared at me and I quickly tugged at him trying to get him to let me go. This being pinned to the wall was not comfortable and it also was starting to cut off air supply. 

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