Chapter 6

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So Cody and I had been home for about a week and now we were all being sent away to Ember Island because my father wanted to meet with his advisors and he didn't want anyone interfering. I wouldn't be able to get any intel for Aang and them, which of course made me a little mad. Everyone was coming with us, Zuko, Azula, Mai, Ty-Lee and Cody. Just like when we were little. I didn't exactly want everyone with us  just because I figured we would get on each other nerves. 

"I'm so excited to spend the weekend on Ember Island to sit back on the beach and do nothing." Ty-Lee said. I just looked over the water and rolled my eyes. I was going to get tired of her perky attitude all the time and it was going to happen quickly. 

"Doing nothing is pointless. We're being sent away on a forced vacation I feel like a child." Zuko snapped. I glanced over at Zuko at his annoyed sounding voice. I raised my lips in a laughing way.

"You always feel like a child." I mused. He glared at me as Cody slung his arm around my shoulders. I glanced up at Cody with a smile. 

"Lighten up. So dad wants to meet up with his advisors without anyone else around don't take it personally." Azula said. We both looked over at her and then I glanced up at Cody who was staring out at the water. He seemed content. 

"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Ty-Lee asked. I nodded as I glanced over at Zuko. The scowl hadn't left his face yet. He and I had loved going to Ember Island as kids with mom but after she left that's all they were. Happy memories that we never got to experience again. When dad seemed to care about Zuko and I and not just Azula. 

"We used to come every summer when we were kids." Azula said. I glanced over at the sea. Yeah we used to. I remember one time I actually set fire to the drapes in my room by accident cause I had gotten mad at Zuko. I had gotten in big trouble for that. I sighed and I saw Zuko look over my way before I glanced back out to the sea again. 

"That must've been fun." Ty-Lee said. I snorted quietly and Cody pulled me so I was leaning against him and he had his arms wrapped around my waist. I felt his lips press into my hair lightly. He knew how I felt about going back to Ember Island. 

"That was a long time ago." Zuko and I said. We glanced at each other sadly before glancing away in different directions. When we got to the dock two old ladies were waiting there for us. Lo and Li. God I hated them and they were partially shocked to see me. I saw it in their eyes even though the faces didn't move. 

"Welcome to Ember Island kids." They said. I looked up to see their house behind them and I scrunched my nose up. We were shown inside and once we were in there it was all pink. Oh god kill me now. I was already ready to go back to the palace and be miserable there. I was really missing Aang and everyone because at least with them I could be myself and not put a face on for everyone. 

"It's" I murmured with a frown tugging at the corner of my lips. Cody glanced around uneasily and I just sighed. I wished there was some where else we could have stayed that wasn't all pin. 

"I think me and you can be friends after all." Mai smirked. I glanced over at her with a smile pulling at the corner of my lips. Great. Wonderful. That was the last thing that I really needed in all honesty. That's when Ty-Lee went over to a photo of two fire-nation women standing butt to butt. 

"Who are these two beautiful women?" She asked. I grimaced when I realized who it probably was. 

"Can't you tell its Lo/Li and Me." They both said at the same time. Ew. That is majorly disgusting. I saw Cody looking a little disgusted. I visibly cringe with the rest of the everyone. That's when we made our way upstairs to the rooms. 

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