Chapter 10

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I was relaxing inside the house while everyone was outside even Cody. It was such a nice day apparently. That's when I heard footsteps and I looked up at the door. Cody was standing in the doorway grinning from ear to ear. 

"Yeah?" I asked looking up and seeing Cody. I smiled. He motioned outside.

"We're going to the beach wanna come?" He asked. 

"The last time I was at the beach...I don't even want to remember that horrifying trip." I murmured sitting up against the wall. Cody looked a little sad. 

"It was all horrifying?" He asked softly. I chuckled and shook my head thinking of everything that had been said. It was also nice that night to have one on one time with Cody since most of the time we couldn't get a moments peace alone. 

"Not everything...just one thing out of all of it wasn't." I blushed. He chuckled at me.

"That's what I wanted to hear." Cody chuckled as he came over and kissed me lightly. 

"I'll be down at the beach if you want to join me." He said. I nodded with a smile.

"Alright." I smiled. It was a good five or ten minutes that I spent looking around my room when I found this piece of paper sticking out of the pocket in my bag. I pulled it out and scanned over it. My eyes grew wide when I realized this was a letter that I had forgotten to send to the group while I was still favorites in the fire nation. After I finished reading it, I realized I had to give them this quickly. I heard banging in the hallway and when I walked out the whole hallway was on fire from a fire ring Zuko had done and spread down the hallway. I quickly made a spot for myself.

"What are you two doing?!" I screamed but as I did a big gust of air knocked into me, which sent me flying into Zuko, all while I was screaming. That gust that sent me into Zuko sent us out the window at the end of the hallway and into some plants on the ground. I groaned in irritation I groaned and rolled off him. The gang came up and Zuko stood up. 

"What's wrong with you? You could have hurt Aang." Katara said. I grunted from the ground.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! How can you sit around having beach parties while the comet is only 3 days away?" Zuko said. Everyone looked guilty.

"Yeah, I am the one actually hurt here but you know pay no never mind to me!" I said. I winced slightly as I sat up putting pressure on my wrist. I rotated it and winced. Great that was probably sprained from falling on it.

"Thanks to you two fighting I sprained my wrist or fractured something." I murmured as Zuko pulled me up from underneath my arms. I tested it out gingerly and hissed. I glared at them both.

"Why are you all looking at me while I'm crazy?" Zuko asked. Then I realized that the way they were looking made me feel like they were keeping something from us.

"You're planning on putting it off." I said realizing what the silence meant. Zuko's eyes went wide, and I glanced at him.

"Yeah, I was going to wait till after the comet came. I'm not ready. I need more time to master fire bending." Aang said. I shook my head.

"And your earth bending could use a little more work too." Toph said. 

"You all knew he was going to wait?" Zuko asked. I shook my head as I stared at the group.

"I didn't..." I said. 

"Honestly if he tried to fight the fire lord right now, he was going to lose no offense." Sokka said. 

"The whole point of fighting the fire lord before the comet was to stop them for winning the war. They kind of have done that already when they took Ba Sing Se. It can't get much worse." Katara said. I nodded quickly.

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