Chapter 2

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It been a solid month and we still hadn't reached the North Pole. I was starting to go stir crazy on this ship. We had been to land only a few times and the one time had been the time I had run into Jet. I didn't want any more run ins with people like Jet or run into trouble. I was trying to stay under the radar as much as possible to people. I also had hope Jet had taken what I said to heart and gone somewhere safe and stopped trying to protect those who couldn't be protected. 

"What is taking so long?" I asked the captain as he came up beside me on the deck. I saw him swallow nervously. I had to admit that I had been a little snappy at people because of being on the boat for so long. I sighed and pinched my nose.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap." I said. He nodded and eyed me carefully.

"We can't find it," He said. Then there was a bump and the boat jerked to a stop. The whole boat was on ice, surrounded in ice. I gasped and then I looked over at Cody who had been at the hand railing on the side of the boat. He had backed up so that he was almost to me. I looked at him confused. 

"What the-?" I asked. Then waterbenders jumped on the boat and I held up my hands immediately. Their eyes went from Cody to I and then back. They surrounded me and was ready to attack and I knew I had to say something, if not I was going to be taken prisoner. I held up my hands to show them I meant no harm. Well, that did not work. 

"Hey, I'm here to learn!" I said holding up my hands up higher. They stared at me with mixed looks of shock and outrage. I knew the Northern Water Tribe would not be happy with me intruding on their space. They had managed to stay out of the war so far and I knew for sure that they wanted it to stay that way. Who could blame them? This war was tearing families apart and doing things that no normal child or person should have to deal with in their lifetime. 

"What are you talking about?" one asked removing his mask. I saw Cody swallow nervously and I smiled at them with my hands up still. I bowed to them before glancing up at them. 

"I can water-bend and I want to learn from a master here at the North Pole." I said. A few of them snickered. I was going to prove that I was telling the truth, because if I couldn't get them to believe me this was going to get difficult. 

"Come in to the North Pole and show us!" One said. I nodded and then let go of our ship. They led us to a wall completely made snow and ice and then let the wall down. The canal was to small to put our big boat through them so we all filed onto a tinier boat we had below decked stored for this reason and set off through the waterways was. When we finally docked some people looked scared because they saw the Fire Nation insignias on Cody and I's armor. I got off and some ran. I sighed. Normally when people saw my hair they automatically understood. Or well, most of them did anyway. They would be wary of me but not out right afraid. What my nation has done to this world will take a long time to undo. 

The waterbenders assured them that no one was in danger but still some looked scared. I got off and followed the waterbenders down the streets. They led us through the North Pole and I looked around. Since Mother left everything had changed, yeah my mom once brought me here to be blessed by the spirits. She took me to all the nations to be blessed since she found out what I could do. I saw people looking at me and glaring at me. Well, that was to be deserved.

"Don't pay attention to them," Cody murmured. It was because of my father and the stupid 100 year old war that was still going on with the Fire Nation. It was leaving the world with a bad taste in their mouths for anyone that wasn't Fire-Nation. We made up our way up to the highest point in the North Pole. I had to admit it was pretty cold but being a fire-bender helped immensely. We were brought to the chief, Cody and I bowed. We didn't want to be disrespectful to him and his family.

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