Chapter 9

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I was sitting away from the rest of the group looking over the cliff. The night stars were bright tonight and I was enjoying the view. Cody was with the group getting tea from Zuko, which he was trying to recreate like Uncle. I doubt he was going to get close but I was interested in his attempt. I watched the stars in the dark sky twinkle. I saw a shadow and lit up a light from my hand and glanced up. It was Zuko with a tray. He smiled down at me and then crouched down beside me.

"Yeah?" I asked. He motioned down to the tea cup on the tray he was carrying. It was the second to last cup. 

"Tea? I try to make it like Uncle." He smiled at me. I took one off the tray and sipped at it. It didn't taste all that bad. He was getting better at making it, that was for sure. I nodded at him. 

"You're getting there." I smiled. He rolled his eyes at me and I chuckled. 

"Ha-ha." He said. I smiled. 

"Thanks," I smiled as I sipped at again. 

"You're welcome." He said. Then he walked away and I just stared up at the sky. It was about an hour later when Cody came over to me. I glanced up at him and he glanced down at the empty cup in my hands. He held out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up to my feet. 

"Ready for bed?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah," I smiled. We got up and headed to bed. The next morning when I got up Aang was doing some work outs. I glanced at him as I looked around for Zuko. Zuko was no where to be found. Why did it seem like he was always disappearing with someone?

"What are you doing?" I asked as he punched the air making flames come from his fists. He glanced up at me as I leaned against a stone pillar. 

"Zuko wanted me to do this while he and Sokka are fishing." He said. Fishing? That's the story they came up when they left to do god knows what. Oh for fire lords sake. I used to come up with a lot more interesting stories than that to get away from things and go on adventures all the time. 

"Okay well you can stop for now...and maybe do some air-bending with me?" I asked hopeful. Aang shot up from what he doing happy to stop what he was doing. He nodded eagerly. 

"Sure," He chuckled. That's when we started. He was a good teacher and I watched him and then tried it. For the fist few minutes it was a hard time because I hadn't been used to the fluid motions of air-bending. After an hour or so I was keeping up with Aang like I had been practicing for a little while now. 

"It's weird that it just comes so naturally to you. I had the hardest time trying to do fire." Aang said once we took a break. I shrugged as he glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Everything has come naturally because I'm used to doing things on my own I guess." I said shrugging. I didn't know what else to say. I thought water bending would be hard for me but it hadn't been either and that was my polar opposite. 

"Or because you're touched by the spirits that's why." Aang added. I shrugged. 

"Ruined my ego." I muttered dramatically. He laughed and I smiled. 

"I'm going to miss it though when I lose it all." I said as I made the stones come up at Aang's feet. He laughed at me and then moved off the rocks I was messing with. 

"Do you know when you will?" He asked. I shook my head and shrugged.

"Nope all I know is I will after I'm done helping you, but I know if it will be all at one point or gradually." I said. He nodded.

"Oh," He said, glancing at the ground.

"Yeah but let's not dwell on the depressing future! Let's think about after the war and you kicking my dad's butt." I smiled as I punched the air. Aang laughed. That's when Katara walked by and I noticed Aang following her with his eyes. I raised my eyebrows up at him as he watched her walk by with someone who had also been at the invasion. There was a kid from Jet's crew with us and then someone from the earth nation who could earth bend.

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