Hunt or be hunted

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Zack breathed heavily as he ran through the ruined town. Astro was nowhere to be seen.

"D-dang it, where is he!?" Zack breathed. He then saw something whiz passed him and he paled. The grappling hook glistened in the sunlight. Zack glanced behind him as one of the men in black closed in on him. Zack tsked and ran around a corner. He then smacked into something and fell back onto the ground. Zack heard someone groan and he looked ahead to see that he had run into one of the other contestants. He would have helped them up if he wasn't currently running for his life. Zack then gasped, remembering about the man in black and he hastily stood up and ran past the fallen contestant. "Sorry, gotta go!" Zack called back as he ran away, but not without snatching the sash of the fallen contestant.

"Huh?" Not a moment later did Zack here the cries of anguish of the other contestant. Zack then silently prayed for them and sent them a mental apology and continued to run.


Astro snatched the sash of yet another contestant and raced through the hologram of the ruined town of Gemini. Astro looked around the town as he ran, trying to visualise what the town could have looked like before the black plague. Astro then heard some movement beside him and he cartwheeled out of the way just in time to see a man in a black cloak make a grab for him. Astro landed on his feet and ran around a corner. The cloaked man through a grappling hook in Astro's direction. The grappling hook wrapped around Astro's leg, tripping him. Astro gasped and fell forwards. He then looked back at the cloaked man who chuckled.

"Finally got you, kid." The cloaked man rasped out. Astro frowned. Suddenly another cloaked man appeared behind Astro, effectively trapping him. Astro tsked and looked down at the grappling hook.

"There's nowhere left to run! Sorry kid, maybe next year." The other cloaked figure said as the two men in black closed in on Astro grinned and gripped onto the grappling hook around his leg.

"I don't think so!" Astro cried as he freed his leg and pulled on the chain, dragging the man on the other end towards him. The cloaked man gasped and cried out as Astro swung the man around him and knocking him into the other cloaked man. The two men grunted as they both crashed onto the ground. Astro smiled and waved to them. "Bye!" Astro then ran off.


You watched the screens nervously. These screens allowed you to watch all of the action of the games. You eyed the scores of all the contestants. Astro had a total of seventy points while Zack only had twenty points. Each sash was worth ten points as previously stated by Mayumi. You were knocked out of your thoughts when you felt a tug on your jacket and you glanced down at Plue.

"What's the matter Plue?" Plue pointed up at the scores.

"Why do you look so down? We're winning!" Plue exclaimed. You looked back up at the monitors and nodded.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just a bit worried. I know Astro will be fine. But..."

"You're worried about Zack, right?" Veronica inquired as she glanced down at you. You looked down and nodded.

"Yeah, I mean he's not really the type who fights out in the open." You said. Veronica glanced up at the screens and smiled softly.

"Don't worry, Zack will be fine. I believe in him." You looked up at Veronica with wide eyes. Plue on the other hand smirked and held his cheeks.

"You liiiiike him." Plue cooed. Veronica gasped as her cheeks reddened. She then grabbed Plue and began to shake him.

"S-shut up you stupid cat! Don't make me regret not pounding your face in!" Veronica shouted. Plue grinned slyly at Veronica and shrugged while you sweat dropped. You then turned back towards the screens and saw that Astro had encountered yet another contestant. You then watched as he charged at the contestant and slid under him while snatching the sash on his way. The contestant looked around, baffled at how quickly Astro took the sash. Astro grinned cheekily at the contestant and stuck his tongue out before dashing off. You laughed as you watched the contestant shake his fist at Astro while attempting to chase him down.

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