Icy situations

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Zack sneezed and shivered as the cold wind blew through the air. Your group had just arrived at the planet Perfectum and you were currently searching for the second document leading to the Antiquorum. Zack then sniffled and looked down at you.

"H-hey, is there r-really no way that I can s-stay inside the s-ship?" Zack questioned as he shook in the cold. You zipped up your parka and looked up at him and shook your head.

"Nope. We need you with us. Veronica has already offered to watch over the ship. Why not enjoy the snow? I mean look at Astro, he's enjoying it." You stated as you pointed towards Astro, who was turning Plue into a snow man while laughing while Plue cried out for help. Zack sweat dropped at the scene and frowned at you.

"B-but I can't handle the cold. W-what would you n-need me f-for?" You sighed at how pathetic Zack was sounding. You then pointed a finger up to him.

"Hey, YOU were the one who wanted to join us. So you have to throw your weight around sometimes too." Zack signed as hugged his parka around him more tightly.

"A-alright, you make a good p-point." You smiled and nodded.

"Good. Now there should be some sort of civilisation here somewhere." You told as you turned around. Before you could continue, a snow ball hit you in the face. You frowned at the attacker. Astro grinned while readying another snow ball.

"You looked quite tense so I thought I'd cool you off a bit." Astro told. You chuckled and readied your own ball.

"You're picking a fight with the wrong person Astro." You then pulled your arm back and threw the snow ball at Astro. Astro ducked, causing for the snow ball to hit Plue who was behind Astro. Plue cried out and shook his head. He then glared at you.

"Hey!" You ignored Plue and fired two more snow balls at Astro. Astro dodged both of them and threw his own snow balls at you. You did a front flip over the snow balls and threw your own while in mid air. Astro gasped and jumped back. He then gave you a serious look. You returned his look and the two of you stared each other down. The two of you then slowly picked up a snow ball without taking your eyes of each other. This was war. You and Astro immediately dashed to each other, snow balls raised high. You and Astro were then about to pummel each other with snow balls when you both felt a grip on your jackets, pulling the two of you apart.

"Alright that's enough." Zack told as he lifted the two of you up into the air. Although Zack had a skinny body, he was quite strong. Zack glanced down at you and Astro and sighed. "We can't get distracted. We need to find the document and get out of this place." Zack told as he placed both you and Astro back down on your feet. You scratched the back of your head as you smiled at Zack bashfully while scratching the back of your head.

"Sorry, I guess we got a bit carried away." You admitted while Astro nodded in agreement, looking equally as bashful. Zack sighed and crossed his arms.

"Ya think?" Zack then turned towards you. "So what were you saying about this civilisation that resides here?" You nodded at Zack and straightened your jacket.

"Well it's not like there's a big city here or anything. Just a small community that has kept itself distant from the rest of the galaxy." You explained. You then put your hand to your chin and looked down in thought. "Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think they'd be entirely welcoming to us...considering the amount of time they've been separated from the rest of the galaxy for." You mumbled. Astro gave you a confused look. You shook your head and looked back up at Zack. "I say we split into teams of two and search around for the second document." Zack nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. You and Plue should team up since the two of you are used to working with each other. I'll team up with Astro." You nodded in agreement while Astro frowned.

Search of the Antiquorum (Astro boy X reader)Where stories live. Discover now