A full scale attack

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You used the crutches that Zack had found somewhere inside of the ship and made your way towards the ship's steering wheel. Zack and Veronica watched in amazement as you used the crutches as if they were your own legs. You sat yourself down in the captain's seat and you glanced back at Zack and Veronica.

"Hey Zack, where do you think that the blue dragons took Astro and Dr Steiner?" You questioned. Zack put his hand to his chin in thought and looked at you.

"They probably would have gone back to their base in the starry cosmos." Zack told. You nodded and turned on the spaceship's system. You then punched in the coordinates to the starry cosmos. You then pressed a button, starting up the jets and you took off towards the starry cosmos.


Astro peeked around the corner and eyed the guards carefully.

"Careful Astro, you don't want those guards to find you." Plue warned. Astro glanced down at Plue's crossbow and raised an eyebrow at it.

"Why though? I mean they should have expected for me to break out. Those bars were so weak. It was a piece of cake braking out of that jail cell." Astro told. Plue sighed.

"Well yeah, but that's because they didn't know that you were an illegal robot. They thought that you were just some kid." Astro frowned. He then glanced around the corner and saw that the guardsmen had turned a corner and have walked out of sight. Astro grinned, 'now's my chance!' Astro ran around the corner and ran down the hallway. He had to find the room Dr Steiner was being held in. Astro skidded to a stop when he heard some voices approaching him. Astro then looked around for a stop to hide and tsked when he couldn't find any. "Astro, up there!" Astro raised his eyebrow at Plue's crossbow and he looked up. He then saw an air vent and grinned.

"Thanks Plue!" Astro exclaimed as he flew up to the air vent and climbed inside just as rushing footsteps ran by. Plue mentally face palmed at how loud Astro was being. Did this kid really not understand the term of quiet? Astro peeked through the bars of the air vent and began to crawl through the air vent.

"Where do you think they kept Steiner?" Plue questioned. Astro shrugged as Plue reverted back to his original form.

"Not quite sure, but I bet it's somewhere secure. Probably with the guy leading this place." Astro guessed. Plue nodded. He then ran forwards while Astro hurriedly crawled after him. "Hey slow down! I'm not exactly fast on my knees." Plue stopped and put his finger to his lips.

"Shhhh, we don't want them hearing us!" Plue whispered harshly. Astro covered his mouth and muttered an apology. Plue sighed and continued to walk down the air vent at a slower pace.  Eventually, Plue and Astro reached a dead end. Astro and Plue both glanced at each other and frowned.

"Guess we have to go back." Astro told. Plue nodded and waited for Astro to crawl back. Astro was about to begin crawling back when his ear twitched. He then looked to his right to see that the air vent opened into a new room. Plue followed Astro's gaze and saw the opening and his eyes widened.

"There's an opening..." Plue muttered. He and Astro then mentally face palmed. These two dunces would have missed this opening if it weren't for Astro's good ears. Astro leaned forwards to open the bars to the opening but Plue held his hand. "No wait, scan the area first." Plue instructed. Astro nodded and a function in his eyes activated his scanning sequence. Astro looked into the room and scanned all of its contents.

"I detect eight life forces inside the room." Astro stated as he stopped his scanning. Plue raised an eyebrow at Astro and also scanned the room. He then glanced up at Astro.

"We should take them out." Plue told. Astro's eyes widened.

"But I thought that you said that we should stay out of sight." Plue shook his head.

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