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Hayden smirked as his gang surrounded the blonde girl who had fallen from the sky. His gray eyes slowly turned yellow as he watched her.
"Well well Well..." he cooed until the girl made eye contact with him "what do we have here?"
"W-Who are you?" The girl repeated.
Hayden raised an eyebrow. Did no one truly remember him? His father really had destroyed his memory. Shaking his head Hayden turned his attention back to the girl. He noticed she wore an Auradon leather jacket and the smirk on his face wide.
"We have a princess folks!" He shouted making his gang roar with excitement.
The girl flinched but she never took her eyes off of him.
"I'm no princess..." she said quietly.
"Oh please," Hayden cooed as he walked closer to the girl "Definitely the princess type, let me guess, Snow White? Ariel? Sleeping Beauty?"
He stood as he stood looking down at the shorter female. Her peacock blue eyes held fear in them but he had to give her credit for not begging for mercy course she didn't know who he was.
That was the ticket. The girl flinched hugging herself tightly as she finally broke her gaze from his.
"Cinderella it is!" Hayden laughed.
"Elle? You still okay?"
He flinched hearing a voice from above. His eyes widen seeing the sink hole. So that was how the girl, Elle, had came into his prison. He smirked as he flicked the girl's forehead making her flinch.
"Better get home princess Elle, this isn't the place for you"
He waved for his gang away as Elle suddenly called out;
"Wait sir! What's your name?"
Hayden smirked as he glanced over his shoulder at the princess.
"You'll know soon"
Then he walked on. His second in Command, Ace grabbed his shoulder annoyed.
"Why did we let her go?!" He snapped.
Ace flinched pulling his hand back as Hayden had burned him. Hayden smirked as he looked at his gang.
"Because thanks to her little fall, were free" Hayden stated "and you know what that means"
Watch the amazingly done video by Chris villain for the next scene!!

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