Rion went his own way until he had seen her running away later on and swept in and gathered a few others to leave the area as fast as they could before the Tompers sectioned off the whole country of Elysium completely. Clara clung to Rion like a hero but all he could feel was a pure anger and hatred towards the woman who he thought he loved. How could she go and leave him there? How could she just desert him in a most frightening time as this?

For what? Family? Was this girl too naïve? It really was true that when danger hits, a person will come running to the one they love the most...and that person wasn't him. After they had fled to Cinders, Rion focused on the rebellion that his father left to him, a giant base underground with all the weapons, food and supplies anyone could ever need and he brought the one person he didn't want there, Clara.

The two young ones stayed together but that anger in his heart was nurtured to a full grown monster of hatred by the time he had grown up and his eye wandered to another, not caring that he had broken Clara's heart that he declared selfish.

Fallon shook her head after hearing the news and understood everything, "And, the reason why Cassa treats Clara like that is because of his hatred. Interesting, who holds a five year grudge?"

"I've met people who have held grudges longer than that." Venner told her. Fallon chuckled in disbelief, of course she knew that fact.

"Over your daughter wanting you and her mother safe? How sick is that?" Fallon didn't know why she had a heart that bled for so many who were wronged but it didn't seem right to have this still go on. Clara was constantly being reminded every day that she could never have Rion because of the selfless act of love that she had made that day.

Venner looked at Fallon with admiring eyes, every time she noticed wrong being done, she wanted to fix it right away. She saw how broken the world was and took the burden onto her shoulders. Every time she did this it only made her more and more beautiful in his eyes.

"I'm sorry that Clara had to go through that."

"Me too."

Another knock was heard and it was Cassa, the ghostly looking woman looked down at Fallon's short stature and almost scoffed. Fallon rolled her eyes and looked up at her, "Yes?"

Cassa almost gave the ivory haired woman a scowl as if she was burdened just by her own existence. She was diverted by the color of Fallon's bright green eyes and stared, "For the life of me, I cannot understand how Desolatonians have such insane colorations in their irises."

Fallon opened her mouth to speak and Venner stood up, feeling an insult coming on, "You must have heard the folklore of Desolate. After Stagg planted the great pearl tree, the Divine saw it as a great act of selflessness and decided to take the colors of the rainbow and place them in every eye of the Desolatonians as a gesture of love and appreciation." Venner looked at Cassa's soulless eyes and added, "Too bad you didn't grow up in Desolate. Just by curiosity...where are you originally from?"

Cassa sighed, unmoved by the decorated insult, "I was born and raised here in Cinders."

Fallon looked up at her and made a tsk sound with her tongue, "What a shame, I'm so sorry."

Fira snorted and covered her mouth to keep from laughing at her remark. Venner reached over and placed his hand on her head in a comforting way, "Poor Fira. She's been though a lot." He said trying to cover up the fact that she had been laughing the whole time.

She caught on n pulled on a frown to make it convincing. Cassa looked at all three of them and shook her head, "Its dinner time, come to the mess hall."

The cold woman didn't wait for them to follow she just walked, leading the way, expecting them to follow. The three of them caught up to her and followed closely behind her and arrived at the mess hall. The room was massive and the crowd pushed them towards the line as they all lined up for dinner. Fallon and the others took their plates and followed the line, receiving mush and small, withering vegetables on their plates.

"Self sustaining green house my ass." Fallon said, looking at Venner. They didn't expect anything from the food, no one had clean and non diseased food, not even this...this...

"Hey, Cassa?" She spoke up and the woman looked at her, bothered that she even spoke. "What is it?"

"Is there a name for this rebellion that Rion has continued to keep in his father's name?"

"We just mainly call ourselves the Vision Seekers. Since most of what the soldiers do is go out on stealth missions and reclaim territory from the Tompers."

"Vision Seekers. Makes sense, and how does one become a Vision Seeker?" She asked. Cassa held back a laugh.

"Rion and I pick who we see fit. But if you really want to humor us, we always have the ring open." She cocked her head towards the platformed area in front of the mess hall. It reminded her of the fighting ring in Derelict she was subjected to and she smirked.

"And anyone can take up the offer to fight me?"

"Anyone brave enough."


Venner couldn't help but look at Fallon with a raised eyebrow, he didn't expect anything less of Fallon when it came to causing an uproar, it was in her nature. 

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