The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini. Chap. Ten.

Start from the beginning

"No. You can't leave me, I chose you" I said, my eyes aching.

"I don't want to leave you, I really don't you" he said, as he reached for my arm. I ripped away from him, biting my lower lip. "Then don't. Well figure something out" I said clinging to any hope, that he could stay. "Willow, I'm in some really deep shit. I cant just run to a grown up and ask them to solve my problems" he said, his eyes narrowing a bit. "Why not? Ian you can't leave me, please don't leave me" I begged, my eyes filling with tears as I felt my heart squeeze painfully. "I don't want to leave, I want to stay here and pursue these feelings-" he started to say but his phone went off. He walked away, to answer it and I stood there. The rain soaking me, and I wanted the rain to wash away these painful feelings I'm experiencing for the very first time. He came walking back, his eyes red and his jaw clenched.

"I h-have to go" he stuttered, and I ran to him. Throwing my arms around him and gripping him. Pressing my face into his shoulder, "Please, Ian. Please, don't leave me" I begged desperation clear in my voice. As I sobbed into his shoulder, he held me to him tight. Giving me small kisses all over my head, as I sobbed into his chest. Begging him not to go, begging him not to leave. There was a honk, and he tried to leave me. "N-no. P-please don't d-do this t-to me" I sobbed, as he held my face between his hands. I could see the sorrow in his eyes, as he leaned in and softly laid in his lips against me, like a whisper. I barely felt, but I knew he did it. "Willow, Forget me. Move on" he whispered with a sad smile, as he pulled away from me.

I watched him walk away, my body numb as the sobs continued. As he got in the car and drove off, not looking back my knee's grew weak and I fell to the ground. I don't understand why he left me? Why I was so sad, and hurt that he did? Why I felt like curling into a ball, and laying there for hours and not moving. I met this boy, about two months ago but I already felt a strong tie to him. Seeing him walk away, without a glance back broke my heart. So as I fell to the knee's and curled into a ball. My sobs continuing, I realized this is what true heart break felt like and I seriously didn't like this feeling at all. The feeling of total emptiness.

Jerry P.O.V

I was sitting at the this fancy restaurant with Damien, laughing over some joke he said. When my cell phone went off, it was Candy. I answered it. "What's up?" I asked, and she let out a long breath. "It's willow" she said, and my eyes widened. What about Willow? She was at home, safe and sound at home. "One of my guy friends, saw her at the beach curled up in a ball. I went over, and tried getting her to come home with me, but she wont budge" she said her voice raising in hysteria. I was up, and walking out of the restaurant not missing a beat. My heart beat racing at the thought, of something seriously bad happening to my baby girl.

Damien caught up to me, as I told Candy that I was on my way. I noticed the rain was dying down, and wondered what the hell was going one. Damien started the car. "Beach. Something's wrong with Willow" I said quickly and he nodded. He drove to the beach, in a speed I thought was the slowest speed ever. When we got there, I saw Melody, Hunter, Caliber, and Candy standing in the parking lot. All looking worried, I jumped out of the car, and ran over to them. Throwing my heels off in the process. "Where is she?" I gasped, and they pointed down towards the beach. I saw a small form in a ball and ran towards her. Damien followed but I didn't pay attention, when I got to her I fell to my knees. She was whispering 'No' over and again when I got to her. "Baby, What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I asked in a panic, and she finally broke her trance and looked up at me.

Her eyes red and puffy, as she threw herself on me. Wrapping her arms around me, and clinging to me desperately. "Yeah, I'm hurt Mommy" she whispered her voice thick with tears. I helped her up, and examined seeing no wounds but I didn't ask. I guided her too my car, and pass everyone. I helped her into the backseat, and climbed in next to her. Letting her lay her head in my lap, as I ran my fingers threw her hair. I would talk to her, as soon as I got her home, and get her in a warm bath and make sure she's laying safely in bed. "Can you carry her inside for me?" I whispered asked Damien, when I saw her eyes were closed. He nodded, and picked her up. He carried her inside, as he followed me. I decided a bath would have to wait, and had him lay her in her bed.

"You can wait downstairs, Ill be down in a moment" I said, and he nodded. He walked downstairs, and I dressed her in some warm, clean pajama's. She woke up a bit, and I smiled at her. "Hey baby" I whispered, crawling in next to her.

"Hi" she whispered, a small sad smile filling her face.

"You want to tell me what happened?" I asked, and she took in a deep shaky breath.

"It's stupid, but Ian left me. Forever. He wont be coming back, and My heart hurts because of it" she whispered, her voice breaking and tears filling her eyes. I stared at her, curled in bed and I knew immediately how she felt. My fist clenched, and I was pissed at this Ian dude for making my daughter hurt. I wanted to protect her from this, but I've been to wrapped up in Damien to realize my mistakes. I knew what I had to do, and Kane needed to come home for it. He needed to be here for her, definitely since they were the closest.

"Why don't you go back to sleep baby" I whispered, and she nodded. Biting her lower lip, as she snuggled into her blankets. Hugging her pillow to her, and I walked out of the room. Her soft cries breaking my heart. I walked downstairs, and took a deep breath. "Damien, We need to take a break" I said, and he looked startled.

"Why?" he asked, and I had to bite back my tongue.

"Because my daughters upstairs, heart broken because of one of your stupid little roomies" I growled, and he looked confused.

"Ian? What did Ian do?" he asked, and I scoffed.

"Left her. I'm guessing he wont be there when you get home either" I said, and he looked sad for a moment, and I realized I shouldn't take my anger out on him.

So I took a deep breath, and let it out. "Damien, I just need to focus on Willow more. I've been neglecting her, and that isn't right. So until she's feeling better, we need to be on the down low and not tell her you're her father yet" I said, and he nodded in agreement. "I understand, I should get home I need to check on this Ian ordeal" he said, and I smiled. I pecked him on the lips, before seeing him off. I walked to my phone, and dialed my brothers number and got no answer. I was confused, now that I think about it, I haven't seen or talked to him in days. I tried calling him a few more times, before giving up and leaning back. Wondering how I was going to heel my babies heart? And thinking where the heaven was Kane at?

Kane P.O.V

My phone went off again but I let it go to voicemail, and I didn't really care at the moment. To happy to care. I couldn't tell my family about what I just did and why I'm so happy, because they would disapprove. Marty was smiling, as our hands were connected it. She was still wearing her beautiful, simple white dress. Her hair out of it's neat bun, and cascading down her back. She leaned against me, and I put my arm around her. We were waiting patiently in line, and I leaned down and pecked her lips. "Are you happy about what we did?" I asked, and she nodded her head yes. Standing on her tip toes as she pecked me on the lips.

"I feel like a rebel, but I wouldn't change a thing" she giggled, and I squeezed her. "Next" the lady called, you could tell she was bored and just wanted to get home. "Um, I have a room reserved" I said, and she smacked her gum together. Annoying.

"What's the name" she said, and I told her my name. she nodded, and gave me the room number and room key. Marty and I ran to our hotel room, and once we were in the room, I kissed her deeply on the lips. She fell backwards, and my kisses trailed down her neck. "I love you, Mr. Martin" she giggled, and I smiled. "I love you too, Mrs. Martin" I laughed, as we engaged inappropriate behavior that shouldn't be written in stone.



Marty and Kane are married!??

Ian decided to leave?!?

Willow's Heartbroken?!?!

So many things happened, that I'm really wanting to know what your thought on them is so you should like comment below and tell me what your awesome thoughts are!

Also, about the other story....I will....CONTINUE IT! :D

So, Yay!

Haha, Sorry for any grammer mistakes. Got to go do spanish homework now :(, so TTYL!


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