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Tartarus/hurt/pain/fluff(kind of)/percabeth

Percy glanced at Annabeth. Her matted blond her was dirty and blood covered her face. She wobbled through the crowd of monsters, her ankle not fully healed yet, but to Percy, she had never looked more beautiful. Her grey eyes stared into his sea green ones and he understood her silent message. I love you.
It was hopeless. They were bloody and beaten, hadn't eaten in days and Percy didn't know how much longer he'd be able to swing his sword at the never ending sea of monsters. Tartarus had weakened him and he hated it.
A scream pulled him out of his thoughts. A scream he would never forget. A scream full of pain and fear. A scream coming from his Wise Girl. He spun around, searching for blond locks, but his vision was beginning to blur and he had problems keeping the monsters at bay. Suddenly, a sharp sting of pain erupted in his side and he gasped, pressing his hand  on the bleeding wound.

Percy fell to his knees. He had no strength  left. His eyes searched for Annabeth, but he just couldn't make out her beautiful face.
He felt hot breath tickle his neck and swung his sword blindly, but his attacker easily dodged and grabbed Percy's hair in an iron-like grip. "Lights out, hero," the monster whispered, before everything went black.

Everything was shrouded in black. He couldn't feel. Not the pain and the hunger. He couldn't smell. Not the sweat and the monsters. He couldn't taste. Not the burning sensation of the fire river and the blood. He couldn't  hear. Not the screams of monsters trapped in Tartarus and their howling of pain. He couldn't see. Not the endless abyss of death and his Wise Girl hurting.

He awoke with a gasp. His side burning in hot pain. He slowly blinked. At first, he didn't remember what had happened, but then it all came rushing back at once and he shot up, ignoring the pain that raced through his body. Where was Annabeth?! "Careful, Seaweed Brain. Your hurt." Percy spun around and almost tripped over his own feet. "Annabeth! Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?" Annabeth glanced at the ground. "We were captured. By... By Tartarus." Percy's heart skipped a beat. Tartarus was the devil, the ruler of hell. Literally. He had heard what the dark Lord could do. This was not good. "I heard you scream," whispered Percy. Annabeth sighed. "That wasn't me. A Cyclops tricked you by sounding like me and after you were knocked out, I was easily overpowered." Despite the situation, Percy sighed in relieve. Annabeth wasn't hurt. He slid down the rough wall and realised just then that he had chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles. He looked closer at Annabeth and saw that she was in the same situation as him. Just enough space to stand and walk a few steps, but not enough to reach each other. "I am sorry," muttered Annabeth. Percy raised his head. "Don't be. I came here willingly and I would do it again." Annabeth smiled watery. "As long as we're together." Percy nodded. "As long as we're together."

The moment was ruined when Percy felt it. The cold, the evil. It tried to erase all the good emotions. Happiness, safety, trust, just not love. Percy held his love for Annabeth close to his heart, unable to be washed away be the devilish force. The door creacked open and Percy pressed his back against the wall, eyes on the monster that entered.

He was tall and muscular. He wore a dark purple robe and black boots and his obsidian hair floated around his head. The thing that disturbed Percy the most was the face. It was a purple swirling vortex and seemed to absorb all the good things, like the hope Percy had to ever return home, or the warmth he felt near Annabeth. He shivered. Tartarus.
The primordial stepped forward and looked straight at Percy. It was confusing, since he didn't have eyes, but Percy could feel his burning gaze upon him. And then he talked, his voice echoing around the little stone cell. "Demigods. You wandered across my land, you committed a crime you will be punished for, but I could show mercy and give you a painless death. The only thing you have to do, is to give me information. Your friends are heading towards the House of Hades to close the Doors of Death. Tell me their weaknesses, especially those of the son of Hades and no pain will be inflicted upon you. If you refuse... Well, I have my ways if convincing." Percy's heart raced. He was afraid, terrified, but not just for himself, also for Annabeth. He couldn't let her get hurt, but they couldn't give away any information either, Percy knew that. He looked at Annabeth, who shook her head. Her eyes pleading him to think before acting. She took a deep breath and turned to Percy. "Together," she said, knowing that Percy would want to protect her, but she wouldn't let him. "We won't tell you  anything," she said, glaring at Tartarus, who chuckled at her resistance. "It's your choice, but don't say I didn't warn you."

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