Chapter 34- The End

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The next few days were mostly filled with problems.

Cecily was in and out of intensive care, mostly because of her inability to sit down and let the her friends do what needed to be done. She pushed herself too far almost everyday, to the absolute irritation of the older Saints who had been assigned to her.

Rei was by her side daily. Not entirely by choice, either. They shared a curtain in the medical wing, to everyone else's dismay. They could often be heard bickering loudly back and forth.

Zeph, on the other had, had to deal with the people. No one was sure what to make of the newly pronounced king, and the council wasn't sure either. Since Zeph had 'disposed' of the previous king, and he was next in the previous line, seeing as how Rosalynd had no descendants, he was the most obvious choice. There were some citizens who didn't seem to know what to think of a succession with very little bloodshed, but when the old prison was declared to be shut down, he gained a tremendous amount of support.

But there were still a few things that needed to be done.


Alma sat outside of the medical wing, wearing a long, red dress.

She looked out over the city, which was strung with flowers and ribbons. Today was, after all, a big day.

"Enjoying the view?" Orion's voice teased from behind her.

She hadn't heard him come out. Then again, he wouldn't be a good assassin if she had.

"A bit. How about you?"

Orion was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, a bit."

When Alma turned to look at him, he was looking directly at her.

He was just as dressed up, wearing a suit and a red tie that accented his muddy hair.

"It's weird," she finally said. "Just a few days ago, I thought we'd be dead. All of us."

"Yeah," he admitted, coming up besides her. "I guess we're miracle workers, huh?"

"Blessed by Sheek-Ala."

"Or that."

They were silent as they took in the city. Kids laughed as they brushed past, them and their parents dressed in their nicest attire.

"Should we get going?" Orion asked, offering Alma his arm.

She nodded, and took his arm. "Let's go slow. We have plenty of time."


Cecily fidgeted in the wheelchair. She hated it, absolutely hated it. Everyone else got to stand, but she was stuck sitting down.

"Please rise," the lead Saint had said.

The congregation did as said. She tried to, but Rei's grip was firm on her shoulder.

"Don't you dare," he threatened, with a raspy voice. "Zeph would kill me if I let you bleed out on the day of his coronation."

She huffed, but stayed down.

She was seated in the isle, she could see even if everyone else was standing.

She saw Zeph, dressed in hideous 'ceremonial garb', kneeling before the lead Saint, an older woman who looked like she was present at the last coronation as well.

"Do you promise to protect the people of these lands to the best of your ability?" The Saint asked, the final in what had been a long string of boring questions.

"With Sheek-Ala's blessing," he replied.

"The you may rise, Zephyr, and greet your people."

The old lady placed the crown on his head and he rose.

The audience cheered and applauded as they watched him leave, escorted by five guards.

Cecily was pushed out as his four fiends followed closely behind.


"You know," Zephyr said, "I've been meaning to ask you something."

It had been a few hours since the coronation, and him and all of his closest friends had gathered in the common room where they'd first met.

They'd done nothing but laugh and eat, enjoying the little freedoms that they'd won.

"All of you," he continued.

They watched him with serious, but light eyes.

"Seeing as how I'm starting a whole slew of controversial traditions, I was thinking of starting one more. I know, generally, when the games are done, the contenders generally go back to normal lives, albeit they're more famous, but I don't want that to happen. Honestly, there aren't many people I trust as much as I trust all of you. And I was wondering, if you'd stay. I don't mean here, I just mean around. Be my advisors, my helpers."

The other four shared a look with each other.

It was Cecily who raised her glass and spoke. "Let's make a vow then, between just the five of us. To be by each other's sides, no matter what comes in the future. I promise that, no matter the circumstance, I will always be your hunter when you need me to be."

"And your guard," Rei chipped in, raising his glass.

"You Saint," offered Alma.

"Your spy," said Orion.

"Your friend," smile Zeph.

Cecily laughed. "That was a given."

So they stayed, all of them. Not in the same place, not always. Sometimes, when she was back on her feet, Cecily found herself far south, sniffing out the remnants of those who were on the list. And sometimes Orion was on the opposite end of the continent, where he was keeping watch over neighboring countries and keeping an eye out for Rosalynd.

Sure, they weren't always in the same place, but they always knew where they could return to where they'd be greeted with open arms.

Because the hunt for the crown was over, and they were finally allowed to rest.

-Authors Note-

Guys, I'm gonna cry. I can't believe it's over. I love to finish stories, but I also hate it. I hate saying goodbye to my characters, but I love knowing that their finally happy and resting.

Thank you all for the support I got for this, and for sticking with me through the long long breaks I took.

Special thanks to: @a-wise_owl for supporting me and helping me through all of this and all of my other stories.

For the future, keep listening for one of the next stories I plan on writing called The Tragic Hero.

Again, thank you so much, everyone. You all have no idea how much your support means to me.

Hope to hear from you again.


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