Chapter 26- Developments

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Reiko was quickly ushering Zephyr, who was still in a state of shock. In all the chaos, and lack of completely attentive leader, Cecily had easily taken the reigns on escaping.

The base wasn't safe anymore. Rosalynd had everything on the prince and his little entourage including the list and the exact location of their former base.

"Keep quiet," Cecily said, though no one was in any state to talk.

"Where exactly are we going?" Orion asked, his hand on little Alma's shaking shoulder.

Cecily spared them a glance but kept walking.

Her voice was quiet when she answered. Almost trembling. "Somewhere safe. It'll take a little to get there but... We'll be safe for a while."

"How long?" Alma asked.

"Should be two days by foot. Now shush."

And so, they followed their impromptu leader through the slowly fading light of nightfall in the freezing cold.


"When she says walking," Alma said, her arms wrapping around the jacket Cecily had quickly tossed her during the initial escape, "I didn't think we'd have to go without breaks."

Orion gave her a look of sympathy before turning to the bobbing red hair and mechanical arm that rested on a small sword tied to her waist.

"Cecily," he called. "I think we should stop for the night. Everyone's exhausted."

"But-" Her reply was quickly cut off after glancing back at the little group. Her lip thinned in annoyance or worriedness, Alma wasn't sure which. The girl was always hard to read. "Fine. Orion, keep guard. Reiko, make sure Zephyr gets some rest." Cecily's eyes went to Alma. "You get some sleep too."

No one was in the mood to argue.

Cecily dropped the bag she was carrying besides Alma before looking out into the forest, as though she was expecting something to jump out.

"What about you?" Rei asked. "You should sleep too."

Cecily's head shook. "I've got a pretty good idea of where we are but I want to be exact. We passed Russe about two hours ago, but I want to make sure we're heading in the right direction. No fires. I don't care how far we are from civilization. We need to be careful."

With that, she disappeared into the forest, feet quiet even in the snow.

"Does she want us to freeze?" Alma asked, even though she knew the hunter was right.

"We should be glad," Rei said, his eyes distant as he stared off into the forest. "At least she knows how to survive out here. Maybe those years in the prison did her some good after all."

Gods bless Rei for being able to keep his light demeanor even after all this.

He'd managed to get the prince leaning against a tree, wrapped in two jackets.

Orion plopped down besides Alma, wrapping his arm around Alma's shoulder. She gave him a grateful look.

Until Rei felt like opening his mouth. "Hey, buddy. I'm the one who gave away my jacket. What about me?"

Rolling his eyes, Orion smiled, lifting his other arm up for Rei and giving him a big smile.

A smirk slid onto the foreign guards face as he plopped down beside Orion, snuggling into his side.

"Hey there!" Orion yelled, surprised. "I was joking, you know."

"I wasn't," Rei said, quickly wrapping his arm around Orion's torso. Alma only knew because she felt his hand slide against her stomach. "It's hella cold out here."

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