Chapter 11- A Ragtag Group

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Orion Magnus had to admit, he was impressed with the killer of a girl.

Woman, by the looks of it. However, it appeared that beauty wasn't her only weapon. She walked with the stealth of a feline. Her eyes reminded him of his masters, calm and calculating. Over all, the only thing that shocked him was the twinge of distrust in her eyes. It left him wondering if she'd learned it from the prison, or if it was something more.

His eyes scanned the woman's collar. It was only appropriate, given her history and all, but still gave a touch of the inhumane.

The woman walked with an unusually wide strut for someone her size, but still small enough that he doubted anyone without a trained eye could spot it.

"Cecily," his royal highness said, standing, "how're you feeling?"

She gave a nod.

"Good, good. Alma Reebank, meet Cecily Earnheart. For this competition, you'll be relying on her to keep you safe." 

Orion wasn't sure what he expected from the forever calculation murderer. There was never any guarantee with the wild card, emphasis on wild. However, she did the same thing she'd done earlier. Offered a gentle hand, ready to be rejected of accepted. Her eyes shown with a twinge of understanding when Alma stared at the extension of truce.

The assassin wasn't sure if he should've been surprised when the Saint took the killers hand and firmly shook it.

Cecily offered a smile before turning away, examining once again. She wasn't anywhere near as interested in the little girl as she had been in him and the foreign guard. Orion felt a bit of pride, despite knowing it probably wasn't the best thing to feel at the acceptance of  murderer, but still. She'd seen him as a threat of some sort.

In a heartbeat, she was striding over to him. He felt his hands drift towards his weapons, but relaxed when she simply took the free seat besides him.

The prince was sitting again, right besides the Saint, a small smile playing on his lips. Who could blame him, really? He was finally taking the opportunity to claim his birthright.

"I'm sure you all know the rules of the game, but, for the sake of tradition, I have to go over them and you all need to sign off. The start of the game is signified by the first death. We're given a few names at a time, all through a private channel from my father, your king's, network. After all the names on the list are crossed off, once all my possible future enemies are dead, I have a coronation, which, should you survive, all of you will be brought in as guests of honor."

There was a pause as the prince stopped to breath.

"Now for the part not known by the public. Should the competitor, be prince of princess, die during the competition, the first round of the game is lost. After the death, the kingdom must wait for the coming of age of the next in line for the throne, the next oldest or the King's children. Should the competitor have no siblings, and none can be given, all other noble families have the right to compete for the throne.

"Should the current king or queen die before the child's game is finished, noble families have the right to take the throne. If the prince or princess finishes the game after their parents death, they must kill or take the throne from the current holder. They will be given the right to compete, even after loosing their nobility.

"In my case, I have no other siblings. If I loose the game, if I die, other noble families have the right to compete for the throne. They have no reason to complete deals made before my death."

Orion caught the pointed look the prince gave Cecily. She didn't so much as flinch, but he could sense something more behind the look, something between the two of them. He may have to play peacekeeper during this competition, by the looks of it.

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