Chapter 18- Sei Wong

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"These jobs are too easy," Reiko said, downing a cup of soda he found in the fridge. "Or we're too good."

"I agree," Zeph said. "I admit, I was worried that this would be dangerous, or more dangerous at least, but nothing bad is happening. I think it's safe to say we can take it pretty easy."

"I wouldn't," Cecily said, sitting alone on the second couch.

Reiko had noticed that she was starting to give off more of a relaxed feeling. It was...weird. She still didn't talk much, and he didn't know if that was a plus or a minus, but her being comfortable made him a bit more comfortable. Kind of a feeling of 'she's probably not going to kill us all now, so we're good.'

As much as he hated to admit it, he also felt a bit bad about the whole electrocuting thing. Okay, really bad. Not that he'd ever tell her that. Or anyone for that matter.

"What are you talking about?" Reiko asked her. "You're more relaxed than anyone on missions."

"Because I know I can win in a fight." Almost as a second thought, she added, "Unless someone feels like electrocuting me."

Oh, that was it. "Hey, I thought you were going to kill him, okay? You were basically on his neck!"

"I wasn't going to."

"She wasn't going to kill me," Orion chimed in.

"No one asked you!"

"Alright!" Zeph yelled. "That's enough of the arguing. Rei messed up and Cecily's terrifying. We get it."

As if she didn't hear what he said about her, she happily took another sip of tea. She had an addiction to the stuff. Better than drugs, Rei supposed.  

"Continuing on with our jobs," the prince said, pulling up something on his tablet before handing it over to Cecily who took it happily, "Sei Wong is the next target. Possible slave trader and definitely working with pirates."

"Pirates?" Alma squeaked.

Rei nodded. "Mostly trading, which isn't too bad. It's the products that he's trading that got him on the list. Drugs, humans, and illegal weapons."

"Unfortunately," Zeph continued, snatching the tablet back from Cecily, "he doesn't really have a routine or a sound home, so it'll be hard to attack based of a schedule."

"Doesn't have a sound home?" Orion echoed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means he lives in a small house on a beach towards the west, but often goes out for week long boating trips. The man is something like a bird. He does what he wants when he wants. I've been prolonging this one for so long because his week of being on land ends in about two days. But that's the most we have one him."

"So we don't know where he'll be or where he'll go?" Rei asked.

"And he knows he's on the list."

All eyes went to the price, even Cecily's dark iris' held a small level of shock.

"It was reported a few days ago that there was a break in on the palace, after we left. Someone managed to get a full copy of the list."

"How do you know it was him?"

"Traces of volcanic sand, only found on the beach where he and he alone lives, were found there. There's a small chance that it wasn't him but..."

"We need to be careful when we approach him," Orion said.


"Well, careful enough," Reiko half laughed, leaning back on the couch. "In case you've forgotten, it's been pretty easy up until now."

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