Chapter 24- Change Can Be Good

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Cecily watched the snow caress Deslyn Reacher's wooden, fire-lit mansion before falling to the ground. Under the full moonlight, the snow had a type of glisten to it that was nearly magical.

"Cecily," Zephyr said through the bud in her ear, "can you hear me?"


"Good. Remember the plan. You and Orion are staying quiet. Like Orion said, the easiest way is probably to wait for him to head to his room and sleep. I'm ignoring Orion on this one."

"Gee," the assassin answered from where here was hiding in the snow besides Cecily, his eyes trained on the gates of the mansion, "I appreciate the thought, I guess."

There was a little chuckle on the other side. "Normally, after a mission like the last one, the best thing to do is to lay low, but I'm guessing some of Sei Wong's men spread the word that we were down for the count."

"Basically," Reiko cut in, "we're teaching them a lesson."

"If you wanna teach them a lesson," Orion replied, a new lightness in his voice, "just send Cecily in to kill them all."

Cecily peeked over at Orion to see him smiling at her.

She touched the bud in her ear. "You sure you don't want to keep Orion? Extra security is always nice."

"For me?" Zephyr asked. "Or for him?"

She considered for a second. "Both."

A hand landed on Cecily's shoulder, drawing her attention. She glanced at the gate two see a group of four guards walking through. Time for rotations.

"You start the fight," Orion told her, "I'll report to Zephyr and then join you."

"It won't take that long," she answered smiling.

Cecily's hands made her way to her belt, were two new daggers rested. Clothes shopping with Alma also turned out to be weapons shopping with Orion.

She stayed to the trees, letting the darkness and foliage keep her hidden. With a quick step, her hands wrapped around one mans neck. A quick hit to the weak point on the back of his neck and he was unconscious.

She lunged for the next who hand a sword pointed at her. A simple swat of her electric hand and it was gone. The same hand smashed him in the side of the head, just enough so his brain made contact with his skull. He went down like a log.

Cecily's foot shot up next, knocking an approaching guard straight up. His jaw made and awful snapping sound, and he screamed. The hunters hand covered his mouth as she knocked him out.

She turned to face the last one to see him laying on the ground, Orion's boot set on his forehead.

"I thought you were quicker than that?"

Cecily shrugged. "How long does it take to say 'going in'?"

"Stop bickering you married couple," Rei said in her ear.

"Why are you still listening?" Alma's voice lightly said in their ear, just catching in Rei's mic.

"Cause. They're funny."

Cecily's hand dug in her ear, taking the little bug out.

She glanced over to Orion who was watching her with a raised brow. "Keep me updated on important things."

"Zephyr says put it back in."

Cecily started stripping the smallest of the guards. "Tell him to control his guard."

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