Chapter 30- Sleep

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Cecily wandered in the opposite direction of her hometown. Tightly clenched in her hand was the slip of paper with words she knew would confuse her if she tried to read. Behind her, trailed three guards, not bothering to hide their existence as they followed her.

A smirk on her lips, she decided they were in enough of a forested arae to take care of that. A quick movement of her feet and she was sprinting, turning into the wooded area that her body moved through like it was her home. Because it was. The woods had always been the home that she never had. Long ago, when she was young, the trees were her sanctuary. They fed her and they gave her wealth. In the prison, they were her hunting grounds. Now, they were her escape. 

The feet running behind her were long gone by the time they were nearing on the next city. She kept running, looping the long way around the city, back in the direction of her friends.


The first time Zephyr heard someone knock at the door, he'd been sitting in the living room with the others while Cecily's dad laughed about stories of his young daughter, flashing pictures in their faces of a little girl with puffy cheeks and frizzy hair.

Alma stiffened, but moved quickly, ushering Zephyr, Rei, and Orion into the rooms. 

From the door, they piled onto each other, ears pressed against the old wood.

"Mr. Earnheart," a voice said, formal. Zephyr knew a guards voice when he heard one. "I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of-"

"Make it fast, officer," the older man replied, his voice startlingly rough. "I have better  things to do than listen to your pointless rambling all day."

The voice was startlingly like Cecily's, in it's stern, forceful way.

"Of course, sir. I'm sure that it has comet o your attention that your daughter has, once again, become a criminal."

"How could it not be. You were here a few days ago with the same spiel."

"R-right. Forgive me, sir. Have you seen your daughter anytime soon."

"Same answer as last time, kid." This time, his voice seethed hatred. "That bitch isn't allowed on my land. If I ever catch her here, I'll wobble my happy ass over to that box you call a station and tell you if I don't take her out myself. Now, that'll be all."

And with that, the door slammed. 

The little trio took a moment to listen for any need to run. 

"It's okay," Cy said, making his way back to the chair, the one piece of furniture Zephyr had seen him use. "He's gone."


The second time that Orion had heard a knock on the door, he was pulling Alma over to the same hallway, tugging by the back to her jacket. A moment later, he had to remind himself to check on the prince. Luckily, Rei had him covered and was only a step behind. 

Cyrus opened the door and Orion expected the same brutal voice he'd shown the soldier a few days ago. 

"We're safe," he called instead. "It's just my amazing daughter." In a quieter voice, he asked, "Got everything you need?"

There was no reply. Instead, Orion caught Cecily pushing through the door, giving her dad no more than a pat on the shoulder. If he hadn't known her for the past month, he would've assumed there was nothing between the two of him. However, he had a better understanding of the hunter. And the expression on Cyrus's face showed he knew the same thing.

All of them, the prince, guard, and Saint included, also knew something wasn't right. 

"What's wrong?" Zeph asked, stepping forward once the door was closed. 

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