Lock The Door!

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No, not lemons and short but hopefully still fun. Sorry.


Things had gotten out of hand. You were teasing Saitama, showing him your new bra and pantie set just excited about how cute they were. It seems your man liked them just as much as you did but for a much different reason. With Genos out of commission for you two really didn't know how long, Saitama didn't hold back. He had pinned you to his futon and started to butter you up. Now you two were trying a new position just loving it. Saitama was powerful in so many ways. This was no exception. While you two were in bliss and moaning each other's names, Genos was returning home. As he arrived to the door getting his key out he started to hear something that he wasn't too certain of. What he did catch caused him to rush into the apartment. "Master what are you doi-!? Oh I am sorry master, I did no realise you were making love with Miss [Name]." The moment Genos entered the apartment you pushed Saitama away, wrapping a blanket around yourself and panting deeply. "Genos you have the worst timing." You panted as Saitama put on his boxers. "So why did you rush in?" He asked accepting that the moment was over. "I over heard [Name] scream don't. I didn't know what to think so I entered in a rush." You blushed at that "I was saying 'please don't stop' I guess I was moaning pretty loudly." Saitama held you close before looking at Genos "You think you can leave for an hour or so, so we can finish?" You blushed even deeper glaring at Saitama. Genos bowed then left "Please enjoy yourselves." He called as he left. "See, almost everything is solved. We just need to finish up." You rolled your eyes before feeling him starting to butter you up again.


Genos had come over to your place after getting a few repairs done. You had missed him so much that now that you had him back, you were going to give him a memorable welcoming. After sitting down on the couch together and drinking some high-end sake Genos started getting a feel for the mood you were setting. You two had started on the couch but ended up on the floor loving how much more space you two now had. You were pulling him closer and moaning loudly, not hearing the front door open up. Saitama decided to pop in to see if you wanted to hang out and ask if you knew when Genos was going to return. He looked around hearing movement before walked into the living room and blinking. Luckily for you he couldn't see you, but he could see Genos' head. Genos turned and faced his sensei stopping what he was doing with you "Hello master, is there something the matter?" Saitama didn't make eye contact with Genos. "No, you two keep doing what your doing. I'm leaving. Sorry for walking in on you two." After he left you looked up at Genos before moaning as he went back to pleasuring you as if nothing had happened. After all the fun, slowly sitting up you smirked at Genos "Even with Saitama ruining the mood, this was amazing. I love you." Genos smiled softly "I love you as well [Name]"


You went to visit Sonic on the last day of his bodyguard job. The contract had only been for a couple of weeks at a high-end hotel protecting some rich guy that truly believed had a hit on him because of reasons Sonic refused to tell you about. Once the heat came down the contract would be due to end. Today was that day and it would end at 3pm. Currently it was closer to 2:30pm. Entering the room number he had given you; you saw him in his ninja suit smirking under his mask. "Hello, I'm glad you came, I wasn't sure that you would." You happily walked up and hugged him, slowly leaning in for a kiss. He held you tightly as he kissed you through his mask. "There isnt a lot to do right now since I'm on the clock. However, we have this room we can enjoy until 4 and this place is so luxurious, I wanted you to enjoy it, even for a little while. Once I'm done, I'll be back." He said. You nodded already thinking about what you could do in the room without him. You turned on and flipped through the channels landing on one that only caused you to blush deeply. "Your pretty naughty when you don't think I'm looking." "No!" You turned to face him to try to explain, sadly the words didn't have time to come out of your mouth as he silenced you with his lips before bringing you to the bed. Protesting for a short while, you gave into his touch. As you enjoyed each other's warmth a maid opened the door to clean. Slamming it shut pretty quickly once she saw what you two were doing. You sat up as Sonic seemed to be looking at the door "Did you hear the door slam?" Sonic shook his head not wanting to ruin the mood, but he was going to have a word with the maid after this.

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