Sharing A Bed

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You had worked a 12 hour shift today, which is why you were at Saitama's for dinner as clearly you weren't going to be eating other wise. You helped out in the kitchen where you could before being told just to sit down. "Your barely able to keep your eyes open. I'm not letting you near the knives." Your boyfriend said sternly. "Ive been up for 15 hours. I can help out Saitaman" he frowned "Thats not even a good reference never mind nickname" "It's a -yawning- great one." Saitama sighed shaking his head but went back to cooking. Once he was finished he gently woke you as you were starting to fall asleep. Well it was pointless on his end as you ended up falling asleep half way through dinner. He laid you on his futon then started on the dishes. Saitama smirked down at your sleeping figure before joining you. Feeling someone in the futon with you, you started tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. Saitama sighed but let you do as you needed so you both could sleep. Genos returned home a few hours later from a meeting not knowing that you were around today. He gently smiled seeing you laying on his sensei with your hands over his bald head, while Saitama had his arm around you.


After getting a few repairs done to himself, the Demon Cyborg had come over, late at night to your place. You had been in your fluffy, coziest sleepwear which weren't the most flattering on but you also had not expected to have company over. Letting the blonde in you offered him a drink. "Did I wake you [Name]? Your hair and clothes imply that you have just woken up." You blinked at his honesty "Are you saying my hair is a mess?" The man in front of you gave a soft nod not sure if he had just made a bad move or not. "I guess its dry enough to brush. Didn't think it was this bad." You said looking in the near by decorative mirror as you played with your hair. "I would be happy to brush your hair, I have read that it is very calming to most people and as you are planning on resting soon it would be very beneficial." Happily nodding you left and returned with your brush before the two of you sat on the couch. You gently leaned your back onto Genos as he started brushing your hair. Genos smiled softly as minutes later, after scanning your body, that you were fast asleep and now resting against his chest. Genos wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your head before he himself also fell asleep.


"Sorry again triple S. The weather changed so suddenly." You told him as you set the bed up for two people. Doing some deep cleaning and tossing out anything that was no longer of use to you, you ended up filling the guest room with most of your living room decorations in order to clean each item. Then the weather changed and now Sonic had no where to sleep. Tonight, you would both be in your queen bed. Sonic came out of the bathroom smirking to himself "Its fine. I was wondering when you were going to invite me into your bed." "SONIC!!" He chucked pulling you into his arms as he kissed your head "What? We are dating and I dont see the problem with me being a closer distance to you while you sleep. For protect of course." You kept blushing but nodded as you both got into bed. The moment you got comfortable, Sonic held you from behind and kissed the top of your head. Which in turn caused you to snuggle closer to him. "I like this. Maybe I should leave the guest room full all the time." "I think that's for the best."


King had surprised you at home with a few movies, video games and your favourite take out food, for a surprise date night. You had been complaining about how you needed a day just to let out some steam. You were the talkative one out of the couple, meaning of course he was a great listener. "I'm so lucky to have the great King all to myself! You're the sweetest, most loving boyfriend ever!" You happily said as you dragged him into your home. King smiled softly, he just loved how everything he did for you, you recognized and let him know how touched you were with his efforts. As your night went on you only managed to beat King a handful of times. Win or lose, you didn't care. Spending time with King was what matter, it's not to say that you didn't rub it in a little when you won. He knew what a rarity that was, he just smiled as you did your victory dance before siting on his lap and going back to the video games. Once the games and food were finished, you dragged him to bed with you just tired. "It's too cold in here, your big and cuddly. I love my King bear." King smiled as you two climbed into bed "I promise. I'll get a bigger bed, or we'll always sleep at your place." King held you closely "It's fine, I don't mind so long as I get to keep you in my arms." "Awwww! This is why you're are the best boyfriend ever." King gave you a light smile "Night my King" "good night my Queen"

One Punch Man scenariosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن