
It was another hard day of fighting crime, you were getting so much more confident in your decision making, trusting your gut and just getting more comfortable with everything. Well other then with King, the man of the hour. To mention how sweet, he could be with you when the two of you were alone, he could be so irritating. You looked up to him, well not just because he was so much taller then you. You admired your man. Strongest man in the world, how wouldn't look up to that? Now with the two of you dating it seemed his human side managed to rub you the wrong way at times. Were you over worked and tired? Yes, nevertheless he still pissed you off. After entering his apartment, he looked over at you from his tv where he was playing yet another video game. "Hello [Name], how was your day?" You pouted with a frown "Take a guess." King watched as you sat next to him, still mad. He offered you a controller, you didn't even look at it before he went back to his game, in hopes you would cool down a little. Sadly, that wasn't the case. Moments later you got into his lap facing the tv, he kept playing before you were face to face with him. "King!" The man blinked, making eye contact with you. "Yes?" You glared more "I'm mad at you, act like it bothers you." Never losing eye contact he placed his controller down, before his arms wrapped around you. "I didn't know you were upset with me. Let's talk it over. I'm sure we can figure it out." You were having a hard time keeping your glare. "No. I'm not done being upset." You held him as well before placing your head on his shoulder enjoying the moment. King won this round, you pretty much already forgave him. This time.

Metal Bat:

Having a strong personality could never be seen as a bad thing... unless you were with another strong personality person. In this case, you were dating him. Metal Bat had the sweetest side to him, he also had a short temper and couldn't hold his tongue to save his life. Landing you in the mood you had been in for the past week. The only reason it had gone on so long was because he had special missions this week which kept you two apart. Tonight, he was coming over to your place and you were going to let him have it. You were going to put him in his place. You started to do the preparations for dinner, when you heard the front door open "Hey babe. I've missed ya" Metal Bat said tossing his bat to the side as he made his way over to you. Crossing your arms, you glared at him. "I can't say the same. Ive been pissed all week because of you so don't come in here acting like everything is ok." Metal Bat glared back moving closer "What the hell did I do?" You rested your head on his forehead still angry as can be "How could you have forgotten? Just before you left, involving me." He pushed his forehead with yours. "Oh, come on! That was nothing! You had to of known I didn't mean anything by it!" "Clearly not!" "Well then I'm sorry!" You moved away from him and headed into the kitchen "You better be! Put that bat away properly!" Metal Bat rolled his eyes and did as he was told "I don't know why I like you." To which you quickly shot back with "Neither do I! Now come help me! I'm making your favourite! I bet your week was rough!" Metal Bat smirked shaking his head 'God I love that woman.'


Working the late hours and having a new boyfriend were getting a little stressful. You knew that you needed to get into a routine and just get use to each other. You had retuned home from picking up dinner. Zombieman's muddy boots were outside of your door only making you sigh. Entering the home Zombieman was in the middle of cleaning the floor. "You tracked mud in, again didn't you?" He gave a small nod "I'm sorry, I thought my pant legs weren't bad." You took a deep breath before putting the bags on the counter, it taking everything in you not to start yelling at him. "You don't seem realize a lot of things you do that get on my nerves." He just seemed pretty shocked, even you knew that you had regretted saying it. "I'm sorry Zombieman, you've been getting under my skin lately." He walked over and hugged you tightly "If I do anything please let me know so we can take care of it before it gets this bad." You nodded holding him "I will don't worry, night shift and us getting to know each other's ticks and all that. Just stressful." He started to rub your back. "I understand. How about we eat and just talk everything over. Get it out of the way and start fresh?" You sighed deeply "And here I thought zombies were after brains. You just after my heart." Zombieman smirked a little "That was either really cheesy or really sweet. I can't decide." You blushed and handed him his bag of food, of course making him chuckle. "You are very hard to read at times. Holding it in isnt good." He told you as you nodded. "Well telling me how to f@%#ing feel isn't f@%#ing helping so don't tell me what is and isn't good for me ok?" His eyes widened "You really have left it too long. Don't worry, we have all night to talk it out." You just smiled as you started to eat knowing he was right.

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