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[Saturday December, 11th 2017]

Camila wakes up and rubs her eyes. She checks the time wondering why her alarm didn't go off. 

She realizes she's up early and has a few minutes to relax, something new maybe she should wake up early more often. She decides to text Dinah.

They've been talking for the past couple of days and forgave each other and settled their differences.

They just started yesterday to talk normally as if nothing ever happened. Camila started to dream a lot about their memories when she was in the group and she misses that.

As much as she loves Dinah and misses her, she loves and misses the other girls as well especially Lauren.

She plans on talking to Dinah about that today maybe even another phone call. She doesn't get straight into it though.

She finally got Dinah back and she doesn't want to lose her again.



Manager: hey good morning d!:D

Dinah: good morning milz wyd?:)

Manager: I just woke up and have a few mins to relax so I wanted to text you (๑ت๑)ノ

Dinah: aww cute but woah how did u do that emoji?  O.O

Manager: oh it's something called copy and pasting

Dinah: oh, 😂

Manager:  yea lol wbu?

Dinah: I'm just ugh!

Manager: what's wrong?!

Dinah: idgaf anymore but I can't stand your name being that it makes me think your an actual manager and.. Ew u never wanna be compared to that

Manager:  oh lmao,😂you scared me there d!

(Dinah has now changed 'Manager's name to 'Mila❤😂🤞')

Dinah: phew oi thats much better

Mila❤😂🤞: aw thanks Dinah ☺

Dinah: ofc

Mila❤😂🤞: can I change yours too?

Dinah: ok

(Mila❤😂🤞 has now changed 'Dinah's name to 'DJ😊❤💘')

Mila❤😂🤞:  there

DJ😊❤💘:  thanks Mila

Mila❤😂🤞: yeah😊💖now wyd?

DJ😊❤💘: I barley woke up like 15 mins ago


"Camilla get your ass up we got to be at the studio in forty-five minutes! " Camila hears one of her managers yell from outside her room.

Can We Rewind? [camren/norminah]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant