He's My Knight In Shining Armour

Start from the beginning

 I was glad Mason finally grew some balls and told her he was cheating and ended it but god it hurt me so much to know how much she must've been hurting, angry that he cheated but also depressed and upset as to why he did those things. Once Jason told me everything I threw myself head first into girls and working out. I couldn't dwell on Kady and her pain because if I had, I would've went to see her and broken my promise and ruined her even more. 

I met a girl a few days before Christmas and although I still saw other girls while talking to her, I still was actually talking to her which was new to me. Once I met them and had sex, that was it. They were gone and I never talked to them again. Mostly because they hated me but also I refused to engage with them any further after I got what I wanted from them. Shitty I know, I just couldn't help myself...truly I had a problem, this I knew. 

She was coming to this party as she was just from our rival school so she lived close and a few other people from other schools were here too. It was just that big of a party. The guy hosting, which I think was on our football team, was friends with everyone and thankfully his parents had bank and could afford a huge house that was perfect for all his extravagant parties.

I was still annoyed Kady was here though because god...she looked amazing. Her dress was short and showed off her nice legs that she worked hard for in the gym and her makeup and hair were just beautiful and I had to fight myself constantly to stop staring at her...which was so difficult. I tried to look at her as many times as I could on the drive here without killing us all since my eyes were hardly on the road the whole time. 

Thankfully she disappeared into the crowd and I didn't have to suffer anymore. I suddenly feel some hands cover my eyes and I could tell from smell of her that it was not the girl I was waiting on. I turn around with my famous smirk.

"Well hello Ruby"

She was smiling wide at me; she already seemed drunk as she was swaying back and forth.

"Hey there handsome" She purrs snuggling up to me. I chuckle and pry her hot and sweaty hands from my jacket and me.

"Ruby you seem to be enjoying yourself"

She shrugs and finishes off her drink, handing it to somebody passing by us without a thought.

"Let's dance"

I once again peel her hands off me, "As much as I would love to I am waiting for someone"

She pouts, crossing her arms under her chest, trying to push her boobs further up, catching my attention which she was hoping for I'm sure.

"Why don't you go find Kady, she's over there" I throw my thumb back behind me and Ruby stands on her tippy toes to see above my shoulder. She rolls her eyes.

"Fine I guess I will, she's so annoying, she's been blowing up my phone so much lately."

I nod and shove my hands in my pockets, same.

A guy almost as tall as me and with his back turned away from Ruby and I, runs right into me, making him turn the right way around.

"Dude" I push him back angrily.

He laughs and just looks at me "My bad man, chill out" He pats me on the shoulder which I shrug off. He wasn't from our school, I could easily tell. The blatant disregard for others was my telltale sign. 

Our school was full of pretty nice people who all kind of got along and knew each other and looked out for each other. Sure we had our enemies and what not but it was a small school and we looked out for our own. He holds up his hands in surprise.

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