Ch.9 Complications

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* Esmeralda *


To say that going to school on Monday was awkward is an understatement. Ayden was adamant that I refuse to speak to John, which I couldn't do, not after hearing his story. The atmosphere was practically freezing between us during first and second period. I didn't even really bother saying anything during first, but I felt this was getting ridiculous, especially since he was going way overboard with the whole thing.

"Ayden please, this is taking an entirely different turn than I expected. What you saw the last time at my house was bad, I know that. But it's much more than that. John isn't a bad guy." I half whispered, given that Ms. Gleason was busy trying to discuss "Lord of The Flies".

Silence. Not even a glance in my direction.

"Seriously? Ayden come on. You're really overreacting, and I think you know that."

He almost looked like he was going to reply, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. But, in the end he looked determined to not speak to me for the remainder of class.

The great relief that I had was that unusually, Samson Gore did not pester me at all during third period. Silence on his end as well.

Lunch was uneventful. Funny how trying to have a conversation as a group doesn't work so well when a member refuses to speak to a certain individual. It was lucky that John didn't show up to hang out with us, I can only imagine how that would've gone...

I unleashed all of these feelings to Abby during 5th period, where thankfully we had a sub, so she and I were free to talk as much as we wanted while sitting at the back of the classroom.

"He really didn't say anything to you? Not even a hello beautiful?" She said with a smile playing on her lips.

"Abby this isn't a joke. He's seriously upset that i'm still talking to John."

Abby rolled her eyes and muttered, "Not like I blame him."

This wasn't happening.

"You're kidding me. I already told you what happened. I told you John's entire story, you can't be taking Ayden's side." I said in plain disbelief. This Monday was shaping up to be the absolute worst.

"Look girl, you know i'm always on your side. But as your best friend, don't expect me to be happy about you being all buddy buddy again with the guy that made you cry, then yelled at you while trying to apologize." She said, all traces of humor gone from both her face and voice.

Instantly defensive I replied, "He apologized and he's just as much your friend as mine, so why is everyone having a hard time forgiving him when I already have?"

"That's probably the most pointless question ever asked in human history." Abby said, humor back in her voice. "I mean really. All of us would choose you and your happiness over him in an instant. I'm just saying, if Ayden ever needs help kicking John's ass I'll be first in line." She smiled gleefully.

Nothing was going as I'd hoped. For the remainder of the class we spoke of her and Thomas, and just before the bell rang, she looked at me as if she remembered something.

"Wait a second, what are you doing after this class for your free period?"

"I'm going to the library with John, or maybe I'll just have him take me home." I replied warily, hoping to have been done discussing him for the day.

She groaned. "Ugh, I knew it."

"I don't exactly have other options. You have class, and Ayden's obviously not going to offer a ride home. I noticed he brought his car today, shocker."

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