Ch.3 Samson Gore

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*Note: This Story will be in Esmeralda's point of View From now on unless i specifically change it. It will be hers for the most part :)*



After 4 weeks i had become accustomed to a rhythm at school. I was mostly bored, but since i had almost all classes with at least on of my friends it wasn't so bad.

However, for the 2 classes that i didn't have with any friends, which was periods 3 and 5, there was a boy, and he was giving me problems

Samson Gore was a cocky jock and a perv, who just happened to sit next to me. He would never leave me alone and was constantly harassing me. He was stupid, but not stupid enough to try any of the idiotic things he did when Ayden or John was around. He knew they'd kick his ass.

I got so bad to where i dreaded going to 3rd and 5th period. Today it was particularly bad. 

"Well hello again Sex-meralda how are you today?"

I didn't reply. I never really did since most of his comments were beyond stupid. I also hoped that by ignoring him he would eventually stop. That tactic wasn't working well so far.

"Might i just say your rack looks amazing today," he said openly looking at my chest.

The funny thing was, i was wearing a t-shirt, which exposed no cleavage at all. But his staring was really making me uncomfortable. So this time, i spoke up.

"Seriously Samson, maybe if you weren't such a perv and an Ass, maybe you could get a girl." i said. i kind of felt bad, but i was too annoyed to care too much.

"Who said i didn't have a girl? Anyways," He said with a raise of an eyebrow, " I would dump her for your sexy ass any day."

I stayed quiet knowing he would only use whatever i say and turn it against me to really upset me. I tried to pay attention to the teacher, who was trying to teach history. However, you could tell the teacher really didn't care about what anyone was doing, so naturally, Samson didn't shut up.

"Is your friend Abby still with that boyfriend of hers?"

It was obvious he knew the answer and by this time i was seriously getting annoyed.

"It's just a shame that she is. What I wouldn't give just to be able to have the both of you in bed for one night...." He trailed off, lost in his own disgusting thoughts.

10 more minutes. 10 more minutes and i'll be out of here and away from him from the rest of the day, I thought to myself.

Suddenly, Samson snapped out of his little fantasy and his expression turned serious. "Hey, can i ask you something?"

I grew wary, thinking that he was going to ask a perverted question. "Sure." I said just so i could get this over with before the end of class.

"Why do you hang out with, or better yet, even talk to John Spire?"

His question completely shocked me. I hadn't even known that Samson knew John. But then again, i met John freshman year, and yes, we were close, but there were many things i didn't know about him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you get all disgusted whenever i say anything perverted, yet you seem to be best friends with John. I don't think that's fair."

"What are you talking about? You don't even hang out with John, how can you say that?" I was getting angry, if there's anything i hate, it's when people talk about my friends.

Samson laughed mirthlessly. "You mean you don't know anything about John's REAL personality? Oh man," he said, pausing to laugh some more.  "He must really wanna get in your pants if he's hiding his real personality from you. I'd even say he's probably hiding his dark little past."

Now i was angry. "Don't talk about John!" I shouted, but it was more of a whisper so the teacher wouldn't hear, not that he would have cared.

"Oh a little defensive there, do you have a crush on your whore of a friend?"

"Samson you'd better shut up if you know what's good for you."

"It's not MY fault your friend goes around screwing anyone tha-"

SLAP! He didn't get the chance to finish before i whipped out my hand and had slapped him. The bell rang at the exact moment that i had slapped him, and a few people had noticed and laughed, but for the most part, most had scurried out the door as quickly as they could.

You could tell Samson was real angry though. "Let me leave you with this thought," he said, sneering. "Your whore of a friend got a girl pregnant, and he left her in a heartbeat once he found out, and that's not even the worst part. But i'll let you figure that one out on your own."

And with that, Samson Gore walked out of class.

I walked slowly to sixth period in a daze of what i had just heard. It couldn't be true. John wasn't that type of guy. Or was he? I shook these thoughts out of my head and stopped suddenly. I had 6th period as a free period... with John. I was supposed to be meeting him in the library.

I took a deep breath, knowing i would have to ask him, and i was worried about what i would find out about my best friend.


please give me feedback on what you think :)

it would be very appreciated!

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