Ch.5 Through The Eyes of a Big Brother

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This little chapter is in ROYCE'S point of view. He's Esmeralda's older brother. I haven't really introduced him, so i wanted to give him his own chance to shine :) Enjoy.

A MILLION thanks to ForTheLuvOfHorses for making me a beautiful cover :) It is on the first chapter of this story!! :)

And that picture to the right is Royce ;)


"What do you mean they're dead? Please. NO."

"I'm sorry sir, the third degree burns were too extensive, and they didn't have medical attention soon enough."

"But... i can't. Ok. Thank you sir. I'm sure you did all you could to save my parents."

"Would you like me to go tell th-"

"No. It's fine, It's only my little sister thats out there right now, and i want to be the one who tells her."

"Very well sir, I am deeply sorry for your loss."

Oh shit, how am i going to tell Esmeralda our parents are dead??She's only 12... And I'm only 18... I need to be someone she looks up to and sees as a responsible adult. Damn, talk about time to grow up.

"Esmeralda? I... Aw crap just come here and let me hug you."

I can't stand to see her cry.... It wasn't fair to either of us. But if there's something i've learned, it's that life isn't fair. No matter how you look at it, life is a mixture of misery and happiness. But you learn how to help the ones you love get through their hard times.

She looked so Afraid that day. I never want her to feel afraid.


"Julia Please... Don't go.. i love you!"

"Royce, I'm sorry, i just.. i can't. This isn't working out between us. It's not yo-"

"DON'T. Say that. Tell me what's wrong. What did I do wrong?"

"No.. it isn't you..."

"Julia... we're engaged. And right now, you're breaking that engagement, and you won't even tell me why? I deserve to kno-"

"I'm in love with someone else John!!!"

Silence between the two of us.

"How and when?"

"I met him when i went out with my friends a while back. I'm sorry."

"Get out of my house. NOW Julia. I never want to see you again."

She gave me my ring back.. then she walked out the door, and never came back. Just like that. 4 years of being my girlfriend. We were engaged and planning the wedding. All that blown away in an instant.

I'll never forget how tightly Esmeralda hugged me while i fought back tears. This is why i'm determined never to let anything more happen to her or to me. I need to be there for her. I'm her big brother.. It's my job to protect my little sister, especially after our parents death.


"Yea Esmeralda?"

"Please, Don't be sad about Julia. She wasn't worth it. If it makes you feel better i never really liked her anyway."

I smiled, for the first time that day.

"Esmeralda, love can be a dangerous thing. Don't forget that okay? It can hurt people. It can tear people apart. BUT, it can also bring people together. Think about how much I love you, your my little sister and i'll always be here for you, because that's what i'm here for."

She smiled and laughed.

"Okay, okay i get it, but don't get all clingy okay Royce?"

"Me? Clingy? Never." I told her with a smile.

"Okay I know i'm a little too old to be asking this, but can we go get some ice cream?"

"You're never too old for ice cream. Let's go"

I'll never forget the day our parents died. Esmeralda was 12. I was 18

Or when my fiance left me. Esmeralda was 14. I was 20.

I'm 23 now. And Esmeralda's 17. Everything seems like it happened so long ago, even though it was only a couple of  years ago. I feel bad because i have to work so much. But being a firefighter i can support my little sister, and hopefully help her out with college.

I'll never let anyone hurt her.

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