Ch.12 The Culprit: The BFF

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Im happy to finally give some personal time to the exquisite, insane, and brilliant Abigail Lisette Diaz.


I never claimed to be sane. My friends know this.

What you see is what you get.

People think I'm crazy because I'm loud, hyper, and pretty much everywhere. Also, they tend to ignore me and my outbursts, which is fine I guess, but there are a couple of things I'd like to um, bring attention to.

1.    Out of my group of friends, who is the only one in a healthy relationship?

a.    Abby Diaz

b.    John Spire

c.    Ayden Jameson

d.    Esmeralda Jordan


2.    Who isn't caught in the midst of some kind of weird love triangle?


3.    Who wants Esmeralda and Ayden to end up together?


Although I have to admit that last one might have multiple answers.

Anyway! See? I'm not as crazy as people think! I've got my shizz together. More than most anyway.... Maybe...

Regardless, I meant what I said about number 3. I want them to be together, and let me tell you they're both so thickheaded I want to slap them both upside the head. But not as much as I want to knock John's skull 5 years into the future. AM I RIGHT??

There's something especially painful about having two best friends that you just know should be together but aren't because everyone's to busy walking around being clueless, and in this case there's literally an annoying idiot getting in the way.

It's really true what they say, having crushes makes people oblivious.

But let me re-iterate that I'm on team Ayden.. which is why I slipped laxatives into John's food at lunch. Oops. Did I forget to mention that?

Okay, so an explanation is in order. Students at Kenley high school who are assigned detention are given two options. One of which is to volunteer with the lunch staff and help give out student lunches. Let's just say that someone owed me a favor. A really big favor. And behold, you get the shitty mess we had on Tuesday, pun intended.

I know the competition between John and Ayden is going to reach its peak soon, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure Ayden is the winner.

However, I'm only doing this as long as I'm sure it's what Esmeralda wants. I don't mean that if she wants to be with John I'd start helping him out, hell no. I mean that as long as she wants Ayden specifically I'm going to just... smooth things over in his favor. And right now he's definitely what she wants, even if she's lying to herself about it. Otherwise why else would she be so hesitant about it?
It would literally kill me, KILL ME, if she ends up with the other one.
Plus, out of all of us she's the one I feel needs the support the most. My best friend is the only one out of who seriously doesn't have a support system that doesn't include her friends. The rest of us have parents who DO enforce curfews (except for John) but are really lenient when it comes to Esmeralda because of her situation. What kills me the most is that I know she doesn't like going home to an empty house; she knows she's welcome to spend the night any night. But she doesn't. Don't get me wrong, at school she's happy and involved but I can't shake the feeling something's wrong that she isn't talking about. And Royce isn't around enough to have picked up on that I'm sure.
Never mind the fact that her brother looks like a model that just stepped out of a magazine.
I'm getting distracted again....

Anywho, yes. To be honest. I'll probably keep low key until John does something else that's stupid to Esmeralda. That guy really kills me.
Thomas doesn't think he's so bad, maybe I should dump him. Just kidding! But seriously I don't like that they seem to be getting closer as friends. I just don't get it. I think that for now maybe it would be best to sit back and watch while keeping an eye on my BFF.

However, brilliant me has this issue where I tend to be really uhh, impulsive. In the aftermath of the victory against John during lunch, Ayden and I met up after dropping off Esmeralda at her house to discuss getting a prank war with John as the unsuspecting victim.

You see this is what I mean. I do things like this without thinking, and now I'm starting to think its not such a good idea to get involved.

I mean who knows how serious it could get? I don't want to end up with a shaved head or something..

But I'm already in it, so there's no backing out now. Ayden's next prank is pretty good I'll admit, but so far he won't tell me when it's going to happen.

And in other news, I still haven't figured out what to get Thomas for our anniversary.

Hopefully I figure something out, and still have a boyfriend by the end of the week.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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