22. One 'Nerd Boy' Delivered.

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No-one stopped me on the way out or when I punched Clive for the third time. Happy to take any consequences that come my way.

"Lead the way ape, let's get to the hospital before the Del Ray clan descend onto this school." She sighed in a bored manner, rolled her eyes and then yawned. I could only but smile, happy with the knowledge I've had more emotions today than I've probably had in the last decade.

Nothing more was said, and we walked in silence to the car mostly because Harmony was cross and a little is scary.

Ed was waiting by the car. Grinning. He was proud of himself; usually, this type of moment I assume would require a high five or a fist bump, but best not to push Ed's capabilities this morning he has already gone out of his strict routine. So when he makes eye contact with me, I give him a well-done smile and nod of the head.

"Boys," Harmony says and sighs loudly again.

Darnell got in, and I opened the front passenger door to let Harmony sit upfront. To be polite but mostly to get into her good books.

"No thanks Ape Boy I will sit in the back with Edward," this time she looked over at Ed and smile all boredom now leaving her tone of voice.

"Don't call Steven Ape Boy, that's rude," Ed said.

"Oh, sorry, Edward. Sure whatever you say." More smiles, and suddenly the scary girl starts to soften. Interesting. Harmony climbs into the car as her phone goes off.

"Yes, Crusher I've got him, heading to the hospital now." She continues quietly chatting to Crusher on the phone, but I lost interest when Ed Started to talk.

"Darnell is Steven awake?" He said in a whisper. Darnell nods his head a few times. Then answers. "For sure Ed, 100% awake.

"Remember your promise."

"Absolutely no going back now. Although there does seem to be complications, as in he gets angry quickly and punches people, but we can live with that."

"Well, Clive doesn't count he's far from a decent person." Ed chuckles softly.

"One, can you stop talking about me as if I'm not here and two drive Darnell. It's going to take forever at the rate you drive at." I huff and cross my arms in front of me. Harmony lets out an exasperated sigh. As I turned to look at her, I noticed now the similarities not just the hair colour but her facial features and small frame. She also has a love for art too, so perhaps in personality too. Catching myself staring, I turn around, and Darnell has only made it out of the car park.

I half-listened to Ed and Harmony chat. She wasn't going to uni after school. She just wanted to pass everything with flying colours so she could concentrate on making her dressmaking business full time. She already worked from a location but only parttime because she promised her parents she would get qualifications. They talked a little about people they knew in the community, and he promised to visit her shop and take her for lunch to celebrate graduating.

After zoning out for a bit, Darnell brought me back to my senses shouting. "Well, aren't you getting out of the car, or are you going to sit there and wait for Purdy to come down and collect you personally. He chuckled and shook his head. Zombie Drone Boy was rearing its ugly head, so I took a deep breath and slowly got out of the car taking my bag and the cool box with me. Harmony leads the way, and when we reached Purdy's hospital ward, the waiting room was full.

"One Nerd Boy delivered," she announced. And then went and quietly spoke to Ed.

"Thanks for coming. I know Purdy would have wanted to see you." A gentle but gruff voice boomed behind me, it was Carlos Del-Ray. Still unsure why her Dad asked me to visit as we have just recently started talking to each other, but decided to take full advantage.

"Can I go in and see Purdy." I manage to say without stuttering.

"Hold on, son. A police officer is just taking off her cuffs," he said so matter-of-factly like this was no big deal.

"What! Arrested," I screeched not so matter-of-factly calmly, what weird world am I in. Purdy gets attacked, and she is in cuffs.

"Yes, a teacher called Mr Hubbard phoned to say she had attacked two boys this week. But, Ed here sent a film to the police plus a boy called Keith or was it Kevin phoned and is going to give a full statement."

So, to absorb all the bizarre, I sit down at a table. Wakening up from an almost comatose state is exhausting, I've gone from being blissfully unaware of everyone to seeing everything in a matter of days, and I comprehend nothing. Was I alive, am I here is what I'm now seeing and hearing real or make-believe.

Thanks for your continued support.

Chapter 22, Completed.

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