Chapter 9: Will You Share in This Nightmare

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I tapped the microwave timer for two minutes.

"I'm surprised you don't have an invention just for making popcorn."

Laughing lightly, I glanced over to the young woman leaning on the door frame. "We did, but it was hit by a green beam and turned into actual popcorn."

She let out a small laugh before leaving the kitchen, muttering something about how she remember that inator. Deciding I had plenty time before the microwave went off, I followed her to the den.

Tossing her long brunette hair over her shoulder, she picked up some DVDs off the coffee table and held one out, waving it back and forth. "I can't believe you own Dead Batteries."

I shrugged, taking it from her. "It's better than its prequel, Batteries That Work."

"Yeah. My dad made me watch that. It was so boring." She held up the other two cases. "So, you wanna watch The Grievance 2: The Gripe or Stumbleberry Finkbat and the Whining Wand of the Turtle Wizard?"

Glimpses of blood splattered walls filled my vision for a heartbeat, and I blinked. Strange. "I'm not in the mood for horror."

"Stumbleberry Finkbat it is." Handing me the DVD, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll get the popcorn, you set it up."

I nodded, turning to watch her leave. How she put up with wearing such tight fitting leather in this summer heat was beyond me. Tilting my head, my gaze drifted southward. She does look good in it though...

My mind wandered to something much less PG, and I cleared my throat while I shook away the thoughts, dearly hoping I wasn't as red as I felt, as she vanished from my view. I faced the telly, turning everything on and inserting the disk.

I was waiting for it to load when a loud smash came from the kitchen. "Nessa?"

No response. Frowning, I started towards the kitchen. "Nessa? Everything alright?"

Gasping, coughing drifted to me, and I sped up. Reaching the doorway, I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me.

She was several feet off the floor, feet kicking. My eyes trailed up to where something was wrapped around her neck. Her hands grabbing at it. Trying to pull it away. And past that to the creature perched on the ceiling. It looked at me and began to melt into the ceiling, raising her up higher as it went.

"Vanessa!" I lunged forward, trying to grab her feet, but she was still kicking, and I couldn't grab onto her as she kept being pulled higher. The coughing was getting louder.


I blinked. It was gone. She was gone. The kitchen was gone. Instead I was staring at a floor bathed in red light, my breath coming in pants.

It was just a dream.

But the coughing was still there.

I looked down to where Phineas still lay. He was on his side, eyes squeezed shut, whole body racked with coughs.


"Phineas." I rubbed his back. I didn't know what else to do.

After what felt like forever, the coughing died down, and he was left taking deep breaths. He rolled over onto his back and blinked up at me, rubbing a hand over his mouth.

"I'm okay," he managed, his voice raspier than usual.

Pursing my lips, I shook my head. The blood smeared across his lips and chin was just the newest proof of that he wasn't.

I had been trying to deny the facts but it was obvious. He was sick. What if he gets worse? What if he... How would I explain to Mum?

His hand touched my arm, the warmth of it noticeable even though my sleeve. "Ferb, I'm alright. Really."

I need to get my emotions back in check. Forcing myself to take deep breath, I ran my hands over my face. I needed a plan.

Or I could continue as we normally do and just wing it.

Climbing to my feet, I heard Phineas scrambling to his as well.

As soon as I stood up straight, my vision swam, and I stumbled. I slammed a palm against my forehead, and Phineas' hands grabbed my arm again, this time to steady me.

I was wondering when I'd start feeling the effects of not having any water, or food, for over twenty-four hours.

Lowing my hand, I looked down at Phineas, whose eyes were wide as he stared at me.

I gave him a weak smile but it faded as quickly it came. "I'm going back out there."


We didn't have time to just sit around. And after that, I don't think I'll be getting any more sleep. I nodded.

"I want to come with you this time." Letting go of my arm, he moved to stand in front of me.

I shook my head. I wasn't going to let him put himself in danger.

"Ferrrb," he drew out my name, expression pleading. "I get it, you don't want me to get hurt, but I don't want you to get hurt either. And come on, you know we work better as a team."

He was coughing up blood, how can I allow him to come with me?

He stuck out his lower lip, eyes going big, and why must all little brothers be born with such a manipulative ability as puppy-dog-eyes? So unfair.

"Let me come with you."

I closed my eyes. I will not give in. I will not give in.


I peeked at him through lidded eyes, he was still giving me that look.

You're not going to give up are you?

"Nope," he said, and I rolled my eyes.

He continued to stare at me, and I stared back. Finally, he raised an eyebrow.

"Fine!" I threw up my hands. If I didn't, he'd probably follow me anyways.

Grinning brightly, Phineas bounced on his heels. "Thanks, Ferb!"

"But you will do what I say and not wander off to go look at anything," I ordered, pointing a finger at him.

He gave a mock salute, smiling unfading. "Yes, Sir."

Rolling my eyes at his antics, I started towards the door.

"Hey Ferb."

I stopped and looked back at him. That grin still plastered on his face.

"I know what we're gonna do today."

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