Chapter 10: Ripped to Shreds

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I pulled my Swiss army knife from the depths of my pocket and flipped out the blade. "One of those things comes at you, you stab it, okay?"

Snatching the knife, Phineas rolled his eyes. "I'm not an idiot."

"Really? Because wanting to go out there seems pretty idiotic to me," I muttered, turning away in order to unlock the door.

"...Does that make you an idiot then?"

I shot him a look while pushing the door open. I poked my head out. Nothing left, nothing right.

Stepping out slowly, I pulled the knife from my belt. Ears tuned to the slightest noise, eyes scanning for movement. Phineas' footsteps sounded on the floor as he came out behind me, and together we pushed the door almost closed but not enough to engage the automatic lock.

Taking the lead I started down the hall, glancing into the rooms as I passed. I-we needed answers as to what was going on.

Since I had already glanced into most of these rooms last time I was out here, I didn't stop until we passed the lift. The ripe smell of decaying flesh filled my nose as we reached a door barely hanging on its hinges.

Casting a look back to my brother, I gestured to the room, he nodded and we made our way carefully inside.

He gagged as the rot hit him full force as he past the doorway. A corpse in a the tattered remains of a security uniform stretched out on the tilted floor, chest ripped open and organs thrown around the once white floor, some with bite marks taken out of them.

Swallowing, I looked past the body where a table stood, covered with beakers and notes of what they had been working on. I step forward to get a better look when I heard a gasp come from Phineas.

Swinging around, I expected one of those things to be attacking him but instead, he just stood there, head down, hand on chest.


Another gasp and an odd jerky movement racked his body as dread fill my gut. Suddenly his head shot up, eyes gazed as he stared at me.

"Phineas?" I tried again.

His head cocked to the side. I swallowed.

The army knife slipped from his slack grip. It hit the floor with a clink that resonated like thunder in the stillness.

He took a lurching step forward. Taking a matching step back, I bumped into the table. The cold metal edge digging into my skin. The knife in my hand suddenly feeling all too real.

He lunged. Bringing up my left arm, I caught him across the chest. Pressing against me, he knocked me onto the table.

Glass broke. Crushed under my weight. I gritted my teeth as he continued to push me into the glass. It stabbed into my back. The red light glinted off his eyes. His teeth snapped at me, centimeters from my nose. His hands clawed at my arms.

"Phineas!" I forced out. Looking into his eyes. Trying to see something. Trying to see him.

All I saw was a wildness in his eyes. Demonic red from the lights. My heart pounded in my ears.

I slammed my eyes shut for a brief moment. Forgive me.

Looking up at his snarling face, I brought my right hand around. Flinching as his flesh gave under the deadly blade.

His anguished cry shook me as his body went stiff. Eyes locked onto mine. My throat clenched.

Oh, God.

He blinked slowly.


No, no, no-

The confusion in his eyes. The pain.

What have I done?

He wasn't pushing against me anymore. Merely leaning in order to keep himself up.

I couldn't move. My hand felt like it was burning where it still held the knife.

"You-" he cut off. Confusion morphing into disbelief.

He jerked away from me, and I let the knife leave my hand. Stumbling backwards, he watched me with that same look of disbelieving horror.

I opened my mouth. The words wouldn't come. I didn't know what I'd say anyway.

Reaching the door, he spun on his heel, disappearing from my sight. Knife still protruding from his back. Blood already spreading across his yellow shirt.

I tried to stand up, to chase after him, but my legs were mush, and I collapsed to the floor.

Should I even try? He was horrified by me. By what I'd done.

Sniffling, I clenched my fists and my eyes found the dropped pocket knife.

With an wordless cry, I punched the floor.

I am such an idiot!


My whole body shook.


I looked up.

One of the monsters was standing in the hallway.

Narrowing my eyes at it, I felt something snap.


Not looking away, I reached out and snatched up the army knife. I forced my legs into action, shakily standing up.


It was in the room.

I lunged. Thrusting the short blade into its chest.

Ripping the knife out, I dodged under the swipe of its arms.

Its screams were muted to my ears as I dug the knife into the creature's throat.

The scream turned to gurgles. Thick blood ran down my hand.

Yanking the blade out, I stabbed it in the head.

It started to fall, and I shoved it backwards. Following its descent, I grabbed the hilt in both hands and continued hacking into the creature. Hands precise in their movement even as the rest of me trembled.

My vision blurred, and I blinked back the tears before my vision suddenly snapped back into focus, and I was finally really seeing the thing underneath me.

I blenched. The army knife clattering against the floor while I shoved myself away from the creature.

Stumbling backwards, my foot caught on something, and I tumbled to the floor.

My breath was coming out in pants. I couldn't tell if it was do to adrenaline or fear.

Snapping my eyes shut, I dug my hands into my hair.

Maybe there's something wrong with me too.

Maybe Phineas is better off on his own in this place. I felt it wasn't true. That he wouldn't last on his own here. I barely could. And I hadn't been stabbed in the back by my own brother.

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